Gender performativity in virtual space: Transglossic language practices of young women in Bangladesh

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Language and Culture on the Margins: Global/Local Interactions, 2019, 1st Edition, pp. 69 - 90
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This chapter shows how the socially and culturally marginalized Bangladeshi young women were actually doing with the linguistic and cultural resources that were locally and globally available to them in virtual spaces. The semiotization of space, for instance, serves specific purposes for language and gender studies: the intricate relationship between language, gender and space becomes pertinent since gender is spatially bound. It is not only space that impacts on individual language and gender attributes but it is also space that is appropriated and reconfigured by individuals in their language and negotiation of gender attributes. Gender as performed thus does not see it as a pre-given biological or social feature. The virtual space thus ensures multidimensional experiences and, consequently, broader scope for gender performativity in a globalized world. It is a deeply reflexive act of denial and affirmation that increases the scope of individual language and gender performativity.
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