Conducting nursing research in low- and middle-income countries: experiences, challenges and solutions.

RCN Publishing (RCNi)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Nurse Researcher, 2021, 29, (1), pp. 30-36
Issue Date:
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BACKGROUND:Conducting nursing research in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) balances challenges and opportunities. Understanding the shared experiences of researchers who have completed studies in diverse cultural contexts using various methodologies is important, to advance global nursing research and to build health research capacity and sustainability strategies. AIM:To provide a reflexive account using a case-study methodology of transactions and processes conducted during a study in a LMIC. DISCUSSION:Lessons learned from the study include the importance of preplanning, being flexible and creative, engaging local collaborators early in planning, establishing good rapport and respectful relationships with gatekeepers and collaborators, having a backup plan, appreciating cultural differences, and sharing findings. CONCLUSION:Conducting research in LMICs is complex, especially negotiating access and obtaining ethical approval. Understanding the issues will benefit future research and prepare nurse researchers who take on the challenges and rewards of conducting international research in LMICs. IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE:This paper provides a roadmap to help novice researchers conduct research in LMICs.
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