IoT Microservice Architecture for IoTaaS Device Users

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2021 International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems, HPBD and IS 2021, 2022, 00, pp. 135-139
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IoT_Microservice_Architecture_for_IoTaaS_Device_Users.pdfPublished version3.96 MB
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Scaling up the Internet of Things (IoT) as a service (IoTaaS) is still facing many challenges including the demand of IoTass users to gain a more privilege access on IoT device to configure necessary parameters such as data rate and actuator rotation speed for custom object tracking methods. To address this challenge, this paper aims to propose a micro service architecture of IoT, particularly to provide configurable IoT device platform. Compared to previous works focusing on data-oriented high-level architecture of IoT solution, the proposed architecture provides a solution for IoT device users and, hence, this study is critical to extend the capabilities of IoTaaS.
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