Multi-LRA: Multi logical residual architecture for spiking neural networks

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Information Sciences, 2024, 660, pp. 120136
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Recently, it has been noticed that certain current state-of-the-art (SOTA) spiking neural networks incorporated non-spike data by use of residual connections and count coding. However, these architectures may not be well-suited for the neuromorphic chips optimized primarily for processing binary inputs and floating-point weights. On the other hand, some pure-spike structures, such as SEW-AND and SEW-IAND, have been found to exhibit spike vanishing and limited capacity. To overcome these shortcomings, we analyze the energy consumption and expressive ability of binary and integer inputs on neuromorphic chips, and then propose a new Multi Logical Residual Architecture (Multi-LRA), which eliminates non-spike computation on neuromorphic chips and addresses the issues of spike vanishing and limited capacity in SEW-AND and SEW-IAND. Furthermore, we prove that the upper bound of conditional entropy of Multi-LRA is higher than that of SEW-AND and logical-OR, which means that Multi-LRA has better capacity and may avoid the spike vanishing. Finally, experiments on CIFAR-10 have shown that Multi-LRA can significantly reduce energy consumption because of its pure-spike computation and logical operation, where Multi-LRA-ResNet50 can reach the SOTA accuracy 96.27% in just 4 time steps. In addition, the effectiveness of Multi-LRA has been validated on ImageNet, CIFAR10-DVS and DVS128 Gesture.
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