Optimization and analysis of an integrated energy system based on wind power utilization and on-site hydrogen refueling station

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48, (57), pp. 21531-21543
Issue Date:
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An integrated energy system coupled with wind turbines and an on-site hydrogen refueling station is proposed to simulate the future scenario, which can meet the demands of cooling, heating, power and hydrogen. The system was modeled to calculate the capacity and annual operation of each equipment with the total annual cost as the optimization objective. This study evaluates the performance of the system based on the results. When the system is configured with 0–10 wind turbines, the economics, energy consumption and carbon emissions improve as the scale of wind turbines increases. Energy utilization and wind power utilization are above 66.79% and 99.73%, respectively. The on-off coefficient of the power generation unit can affect energy efficiency. When the system contains 5 turbines, 91% of the hydrogen can be self-produced with the minimum amount of energy redundancy.
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