中国海南企业失败案例研究 = A study on the cases of failed enterprises in China's Hainan Province

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近年来,在中国经济迅速发展的同时一些企业不正常失败,给社会、企业和职工造成巨大的损失,引起中国理论界的关注和重视,本文试图从许多中国海南经济特区企业的失败案例中剖析提炼出共性问题,从失败中吸取经验教训,避免更多的企业重蹈覆辙。 围绕企业能否长期存在的理论问题,笔者研究了企业失败的众多理论,包括企业破产理论模型、企业失败代理理论、企业失败路径理论、企业失败行为模式理论、企业失败的利益相关者理论、企业失败环境因素论、企业购并失败理论、企业失败的生命周期理论、危机管理与企业預警论,提出了企业失败的法律,管理、市场和政府的新的分析框架,並研究了影响企业发展的制约因素。 论文通过对海南发展銀行等几十家企业失败案例分析,从企业失败的法律、管理、市场和政府的分析框架进行了分析总结和归纳,深入分析了企业失败的原因,通过案例研究得出结论,只有通过宏观和微观两方面的努力,才能减少企业失败的发生。通过案例分析发现众多失败的企业都没有建立危机管理体系,在危机出现时显得无能为力,不能及时有效地預防和解决危机,变被动为主动,化危机为转机。 论文在以下三个方面实现了创新: (1)运用规范性的分析,建立了企业失败的新的分析框架,从法律、管理、市场和政府的视角来全面系统化研究企业失败问题。这一分析框架能够从企业产生、发展的本质与成长的多维角度对企业进行考察,是对企业研究理论的贡献。 (2)本文对一个区域内的企业失败案例进行分类和系统的研究,探讨中国海南经济特区企业运作的深层次问题,这在转轨经济研究中是一个首创。 (3)采用实证研究与理论分析相结合的方法,揭示了中国海南经济特区企业失败的原因,总结出企业失败的共性问题与应对措施,对防范企业失败有实际指导意义。 This thesis is a systematic investigation on enterprises failure in China's Hainan Province, with an aim to find the roots of failures and possible remedies for them. In this research the enterprise failure is defined as a formal vanishing of an enterprise which has lost not only the normal function of effectively turning input into output but also the foundation for survival, due to its inability to cope with the internal and/or external changes. Guided by a variety of relevant theories such as enterprise bankruptcy theory, enterprise merger theory and enterprise life cycle theory, this thesis provides in-depth analysis on more than 30 cases of the failure of well-known enterprises in Hainan Province, the largest Special Economic Zone in China. On top of the case studies examining the causes of enterprise failure, the thesis also discusses the establishment and implementation of crisis management system at the enterprise level. The innovations of this dissertation include: first, it offers a new analytical framework and explores the question of enterprise failure in a systematic way from the perspectives of law, management, market and the government. By doing so it makes both empirical and theoretical contributions to the research on theories and practice of enterprises in China. Second, this is the first comprehensive study on enterprise failure in a provincial level unit in China (Hainan Province), making a major contribution to the knowledge of understanding the complex process of economic transition in China. Third, by making several sensible proposals based on thorough studies on the roots of failure, this research also has practical implications for precautions against enterprise failure.
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