BIO - DATA MANI P. R. S. b. 1915 Feb. ed. B.A. (Madras University). Studied upto First Examination in Law. Oct. 1939-Oct. 1941 : Publicity Assistant, All India Radio, Madras. (Indian Broadcasting System) Nov. 1941- Feb. 1942 : Worked with Mrs. Rukmini Arundale, President, International Academy of Arts (Kalakshetra) at Adayar, Madras, studying stage-craft and impresario art Feb. 1942- Jan. 1944: Programme Assistant, All India Radio, Delhi. In charge of war time programmes beamed to Indian residents in East Asia. Jan. 1944 : Commissioned in the Indian Army : On active service in Burma, Malaysia and Indonesia reporting on activities of Indian troops for the Indian and World Press. Jan. 1946 : War Correspondent in S. E. Asia covering principally the Indonesian revolution for the Free Press Journal, Bombay and latterly as Special Representative of the Free Press in New Delhi as also Correspondent for the Indonesian News Agency, ANTARA. Oct. 1947 : Press Attache with the Indian Diplomatic Mission in Jakarta. January 1949 : Consul and Official Representative of Government of India with the Government of the Indonesian Republic at Jogjakarta. Feb. 1950 : Deputy Chief of Protocol of the Government of India at New Delhi. June 1951 : Consul General of India and latterly as Charge d'affaires at Manila. April 1952 : Consul General of India Shanghai. March 1953 : Commissioner of India, Hong Kong-Feb 1955 : Consul General of India, Goa. Oct. 1955 : First Secretary, Indian Embassy, Bonn. Oct. 1958 : Counsellor, Indian Embassy, Kathmandu. June 1961 : Deputy High Commissioner (with rank of Minister) of India, Colombo. Aug. 1964 : Commissioner (with rank of Ambassador) of India, Mauritius. April 1967 : Joint Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. Oct. 1968 : Additional Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. Jan. 1970 : Ambassador of India, Stockholm. Delegate, UN Environment -Conference 1972. Feb. 1973 : Retired from Indian Foreign Service. July 1975- Aug. 1977 : Consultant and Special Adviser on Foreign Affairs to the Prime Minister of Mauritius. Delegate to the OAU Summit Conference, Dec. 1975. Delegate to the Non-Aligned Conference, Colombo, Aug. 1976. Delegate to the UN General Assembly, 1976. References: Prof. Gunnar Myrdal, and Mrs. Alva Myrdal : Vasterlanggatan 31, 11129 Stockholm Sir Veerasamy Ringadoo, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Port Louis, Mauritius.