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Showing results 28 to 47 of 69< previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-07How does the use of continuous electronic fetal monitoring influence women's experiences of labour? A systematic integrative review of the literature from high income countries.Murray, S; Fox, DJ; Coddington, RL; Scarf, VL
2014-01-01Identification and seasonal occurrence of potentially toxic Pseudo-nitzschia diatoms in oyster growing estuaries of New South Wales, AustraliaAjani, P; Murray, S; Hallegraeff, G; Brett, S; Webster, G; Armand, L
2011-12-01Labshare: Towards cross- Institutional laboratory sharingLowe, D; Conlon, S; Murray, S; Weber, L; Nageswaran, W; de la Villefromoy, M; Lindsay, E; Nafalski, A; Tang, T
2023Marine Benthic Dinoflagellates - their relevance for science and societyHoppenrath, M; Murray, S; Chomerat, N; Horiguchi, T; Rhodes, L
2014-01-01The Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project (MMETSP): Illuminating the Functional Diversity of Eukaryotic Life in the Oceans through Transcriptome SequencingKeeling, PJ; Burki, F; Wilcox, HM; Allam, B; Allen, EE; Amaral-Zettler, LA; Armbrust, EV; Archibald, JM; Bharti, AK; Bell, CJ; Beszteri, B; Bidle, KD; Cameron, CT; Campbell, L; Caron, DA; Cattolico, RA; Collier, JL; Coyne, K; Davy, SK; Deschamps, P; Dyhrman, ST; Edvardsen, B; Gates, RD; Gobler, CJ; Greenwood, SJ; Guida, SM; Jacobi, JL; Jakobsen, KS; James, ER; Jenkins, B; John, U; Johnson, MD; Juhl, AR; Kamp, A; Katz, LA; Kiene, R; Kudryavtsev, A; Leander, BS; Lin, S; Lovejoy, C; Lynn, D; Marchetti, A; McManus, G; Nedelcu, AM; Menden-Deuer, S; Miceli, C; Mock, T; Montresor, M; Moran, MA; Murray, S; Nadathur, G; Nagai, S; Ngam, PB; Palenik, B; Pawlowski, J; Petroni, G; Piganeau, G; Posewitz, MC; Rengefors, K; Romano, G; Rumpho, ME; Rynearson, T; Schilling, KB; Schroeder, DC; Simpson, AGB; Slamovits, CH; Smith, DR; Smith, GJ; Smith, SR; Sosik, HM; Stief, P; Theriot, E; Twary, SN; Umale, PE; Vaulot, D; Wawrik, B; Wheeler, GL; Wilson, WH; Xu, Y; Zingone, A; Worden, AZ
2023-01-01Marine Toxins from Harmful Algae and Seafood SafetyMurray, S
2018-08-27Microalgal Community Composition Assessment in Warringah Lagoons 2017-2018. A report to Warringah Council, August 2018.Ruvindy, R; Ajani, PA; Murray, S
2014-01-01Molecular phylogenetics and morphology of Gambierdiscus yasumotoi from tropical eastern AustraliaMurray, S; Momigliano, P; Heimann, K; Blair, D
2016-07-01Molecular phylogeny, morphology and toxigenicity of Ostreopsis cf. siamensis (Dinophyceae) from temperate South-east AustraliaVerma, A; Hoppenrath, M; Harwood, T; Brett, S; Rhodes, L; Murray, S
2020-09-18Morphological and phylogenetic data do not support the split of Alexandrium into four genera.Mertens, KN; Adachi, M; Anderson, DM; Band-Schmidt, CJ; Bravo, I; Brosnahan, ML; Bolch, CJS; Calado, AJ; Carbonell-Moore, MC; Chomérat, N; Elbrächter, M; Figueroa, RI; Fraga, S; Gárate-Lizárraga, I; Garcés, E; Gu, H; Hallegraeff, G; Hess, P; Hoppenrath, M; Horiguchi, T; Iwataki, M; John, U; Kremp, A; Larsen, J; Leaw, CP; Li, Z; Lim, PT; Litaker, W; MacKenzie, L; Masseret, E; Matsuoka, K; Moestrup Ø; Montresor, M; Nagai, S; Nézan, E; Nishimura, T; Okolodkov, YB; Orlova, TY; Reñé, A; Sampedro, N; Satta, CT; Shin, HH; Siano, R; Smith, KF; Steidinger, K; Takano, Y; Tillmann, U; Wolny, J; Yamaguchi, A; Murray, S
2012-10-01Morphology and molecular phylogeny of ankistrodinium gen. nov. (dinophyceae), a new genus of marine sand-dwelling dinoflagellates formerly classified within amphidiniumHoppenrath, M; Murray, S; Sparmann, SF; Leander, BS
2023Morphology and molecular phylogeny of the benthic dinoflagellates (Dinophyceae, Peridiniales) Amphidiniopsis crumena n. sp. and Amphidiniopsis nileribanjensis n. sp.Yamaguchi, A; Hoppenrath, M; Murray, S; Kretzschmar, AL; Horiguchi, T; Wakeman, KC
2017-05-01A new species of Gambierdiscus (Dinophyceae) from the south-west Pacific: Gambierdiscus honu sp. nov.Rhodes, L; Smith, KF; Verma, A; Curley, BG; Harwood, DT; Murray, S; Kohli, GS; Solomona, D; Rongo, T; Munday, R; Murray, SA
2019-07-07Novel molecular ecology tools to predict harmful algal blooms in oyster- producing estuariesVerma, A; Palanisami, S; Ajani, P; Murray, S
2008-04-22Novel reptilian uncoupling proteins: Molecular evolution and gene expression during cold acclimationSchwartz, TS; Murray, S; Seebacher, F
2008-06-01Ocean urea fertilization for carbon credits poses high ecological risksGlibert, PM; Azanza, R; Burford, M; Furuya, K; Abal, E; Al-Azri, A; Al-Yamani, F; Andersen, P; Anderson, DM; Beardall, J; Berg, GM; Brand, L; Bronk, D; Brookes, J; Burkholder, JAM; Cembella, A; Cochlan, WP; Collier, JL; Collos, Y; Diaz, R; Doblin, M; Drennen, T; Dyhrman, S; Fukuyo, Y; Furnas, M; Galloway, J; Granéli, E; Ha, DV; Hallegraeff, G; Harrison, J; Harrison, PJ; Heil, CA; Heimann, K; Howarth, R; Jauzein, C; Kana, AA; Kana, TM; Kim, H; Kudela, R; Legrand, C; Mallin, M; Mulholland, M; Murray, S; O'Neil, J; Pitcher, G; Qi, Y; Rabalais, N; Raine, R; Seitzinger, S; Salomon, PS; Solomon, C; Stoecker, DK; Usup, G; Wilson, J; Yin, K; Zhou, M; Zhu, M
2023-02-28Ostreopsis Schmidt and Coolia Meunier (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales) from Cook Islands and Niue (South Pacific Ocean), including description of Ostreopsis tairoto sp. nov.Verma, A; Hoppenrath, M; Smith, K; Murray, JS; Harwood, DT; Hosking, JM; Rongo, T; Rhodes, L; Murray, S
2021-09-14Revealing RNA virus diversity and evolution in unicellular algae transcriptomesCharon, J; Murray, S; Holmes, EC
2016-06-30A Review of Toxic Algal Species towards Improving Management of Toxic Blooms in New South WalesAjani, PA; Murray, S