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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Beyond 2020: addressing racism through transformative indigenous health and cultural safety education.Power, T; Geia, L; Adams, K; Drummond, A; Saunders, V; Stuart, L; Deravin, L; Tuala, M; Roe, Y; Sherwood, J; Rowe, F; West, R
2017-01-01Birthing on Country (in Our Community): A case study of engaging stakeholders and developing a best-practice Indigenous maternity service in an urban settingKildea, S; Hickey, S; Nelson, C; Currie, J; Carson, A; Reynolds, M; Wilson, K; Kruske, S; Passey, M; Roe, Y; West, R; Clifford, A; Kosiak, M; Watego, S; Tracy, S
2016Creating walking tracks to success: A narrative analysis of AustralianAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nursing students’ stories ofsuccess.West, R; Foster, K; Usher, K
2021-10Cultural Safety and Indigenous authority in nursing and midwifery education and practice.Power Wiradjuri, T; Wilson, D; Geia, L; West, R; Brockie, T; Clark, TC; Bearskin, LB; Lowe, J; Millender, E; Smallwood, R; Best, O
2023-01-28Developing and evaluating Birthing on Country services for First Nations Australians: the Building On Our Strengths (BOOSt) prospective mixed methods birth cohort study protocol.Haora, P; Roe, Y; Hickey, S; Gao, Y; Nelson, C; Allen, J; Briggs, M; Worner, F; Kruske, S; Watego, K; Maidment, S-J; Hartz, D; Sherwood, J; Barclay, L; Tracy, S; Tracy, M; Wilkes, L; West, R; Grant, N; Kildea, S
2013-12Epilogue: Indigenous special editions - benefitting a community of scholars.Power, T; West, R; Geia, L
2019-10-01Establishing teams aiming to provide culturally safe maternity care for Indigenous familiesHickey, S; Kildea, S; Couchman, K; Watego-Ivory, K; West, R; Kruske, S; Blackman, R; Watego, S; Roe, YL
2023-10-06From vox nullius to the vote for a voice.Power, T; Geia, L; Best, O; Sherwood, J; Sheehy, L; Smallwood, R; West, R
2018-11-01The Indigenous Birthing in an Urban Setting study: The IBUS study: A prospective birth cohort study comparing different models of care for women having Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander babies at two major maternity hospitals in urban South East Queensland, Australia 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1117 Public Health and Health ServicesHickey, S; Roe, Y; Gao, Y; Nelson, C; Carson, A; Currie, J; Reynolds, M; Wilson, K; Kruske, S; Blackman, R; Passey, M; Clifford, A; Tracy, S; West, R; Williamson, D; Kosiak, M; Watego, S; Webster, J; Kildea, S
2015-01Indigenous Leadership in Nursing: Speaking life into each other's spiritPower, TJ; Sherwood, J; Geia, LK; West, R; Daly, J; Speedy, S; Jackson, D
2021-01-01“Taking our blindfolds off”: Acknowledging the vision of first nations peoples for nursing and midwiferySherwood, J; West, R; Geia, L; Drummond, A; Power, T; Stuart, L; Deravin, L
2021-04-08Thanks to Reviewers!Adams, R; Bahnson, M; Bhaduri, S; Adams, T; Bairaktarova, D; Bielefeldt, A; Aguirre-Munoz, Z; Balakrishnan, B; Blosser, EG; Ahn, B; Beagon, U; Bodnar, C; Aleong, R; Becker, K; Borgford-Parnell, J; Amelink, C; Beddoes, K; Maura, B; Anderson, R; Bego, C; Bowe, B; Andrews, CJ; Beigpourian, B; Bowen, B; Angel, J; Bekki, J; Boyd, J; Fonseca, MA; Bennett, D; Bradburn, I; Kranov, AA; Berdanier, C; Brady, C; Bae, CL; Bernhard, J; Brawner, C; Brose, A; Case, J; Cropley, D; Brown, F; Cassady, R; Cross, K; Brown, P; Celik, S; Cunningham, P; Brown, P; Ben, C; Cutler, S; Brown, S; Chance, SM; Dabbagh, N; Brozina, C; Chen, H; Dallal, A; Brunhaver, S; Chen, O; Daly, S; Bryant, A; Cheville, RA; Daniel, S; Bucciarelli, L; Chiu, J; Danowitz, A; Burkholder, E; Choe, NH; Darolia, R; Burks, G; Clark, R; Davis, K; Burt, B; Clevenger, C; Davis, S; Canney, N; Cole, J; de Jong, T; Cao, Y; Coley, B; De Vries, C; Caratozzolo, P; Cooper, L; Delaine, D; Carballo, R; Cooper, M; DeMonbrun, R; Cardella, M; Craig, T; Denton, M; Di Stefano, M; Erdman, AM; Gilmartin, S; DiBiasio, D; Eris, O; Gladstone, J; Diefes-Dux, H; Evangelou, D; Glancy, A; Dika, S; Ewen, B; Godwin, A; Direito, I; Faber, C; Goldsmith, R; Dohn, N; Falconer, J; Grigg, SJ; Dolansky, M; Fantz, T; Grohs, J; Faulkner, B; Doom, D; Felder, R; Gummer, E; Douglas, E; Ferris, T; Guzey, S; Douglas, KA; Figueiredo, J; Hadgraft, R; Dounas-Frazer, D; Fiorella, L; Hammack, R; Dringenberg, E; Flores, L; Han, K; Duffy, G; Fong, C; Harding, T; Easley, D; Fowler, RR; Harper, K; Eccles, J; Friedrichsen, D; Hartmann, B; Edstrom, K; Ge, J; Hattingh, T; Ellestad, R; Gelles, L; Henderson, R; Henderson, TS; Immekus, J; Kamphorst, J; Herman, G; Inda, M; Karatas, F; Hess, J; Itabashi-Campbell, R; Kartal, O; Hieb, J; Jackson, A; Karwat, D; Higbee, S; Jankowski, N; Katz, A; Hilton, E; Javernick-Will, A; Keipi, T; Hira, A; Jensen, KJ; Kim, D; Hirshfield, L; Smith, J; Kirn, A; Knaphus-Soran, E; Holly, J; Jesiek, B; Knight, D; Horng, S-M; Johnson, A; Knott, T; Huang-Saad, A; Johnson, B; Kohl, P; Huerta, M; Johri, A; Kohtala, C; Huff, J; Jones, B; Komives, S; Hughes, B; Jones, L; Korsunskiy, E; Hughes, R; Jones, T; Kotys-Schwartz, D; Hunsu, N; Kaminski, J; Kramer, J; Hunter, C; Kampe, J-C; Inkelas, KK; Lamm, M; Lonngren, J; McCall, C; Lande, M; Lottero-Perdue, PS; McCave, E; Lappalainen, P; Aguilar, JFL; McCray, E; Lawanto, O; Lucena, J; McGee, E; Lawson, J; Luk, LYY; McGough, C; Leath, S; Lutz, B; McGowan, V; Lee, D; Ma, Y; McNair, LD; Lee, W; Madon, T; McNaughtan, J; Liberatore, M; Mamaril, N; McNeill, N; Lichtenstein, G; Mangiante, E; Mejia, J; Lima, M; Martin, B; Diaz, NM; Lima, RM; Martin, K; Menekse, M; Lin, J; Lippard, C; Mones, AM; Mesquita, DIDA; Michell, K; Litzler, E; Matthews, M; Miller, S; Lo, CK; Matusovich, H; Minichiello, A; London, J; Maynard, N; Miskioglu, EE; Longwell-Grice, R; Mazzurco, A; Yusof, KM; Mohedas, I; Nghia, TLH; Pearson, A; Monat, J; Norton, P; Pearson, N; Monteiro, F; Novoselich, BJ; Pembridge, J; Moote, J; Noy, S; Perez-Felkner, L; Mora, M; O'Hara, R; Perkins, H; O'Moore, L; Peters-Burton, E; Morgan, D; Ohland, M; Pfirman, A; Morgan, T; Okai, B; Pinto, C; Morton, T; Olds, B; Pitterson, N; Mosyjowski, E; Orr, M; Polmear, M; Murphy, T; Ortega-Alvarez, JD; Prince, T; Murray, J; Oseguera, L; Purzer, S; Murzi, H; Owen, C; Quan, GM; Nagy, G; Ozkan, DS; Quillin, K; Natarajathinam, M; Panther, G; Rayess, N; Nelson, M; Patrick, A; Reed, T; Newberry, B; Paul, K; Reeping, D; Newstetter, W; Pawley, A; Reese, M; Reid, K; Rulifson, G; Shivy, V; Renn, K; Rynearson, AM; Simpson, Z; Ricco, G; Sanchez-Pena, ML; Sitomer, A; Richards, L; Saunders-Smits, G; Siverling, E; Rios, L; Sax, L; Slaton, A; Ro, HK; Schimpf, C; Sleezer, R; Roberts, D; Rodgers, K; Schippers, M; Smith-On, C; Rodriguez, S; Schnittka, C; Smith, J; Schunn, C; Rogers, C; Seah, LH; Smith, J; Rohde, J; Rohrer, D; Secules, S; Smith, K; Smith, N; Romine, W; Seifert, C; Sochacka, N; Ross, L; Sessa, V; Stearns, E; Ross, M; Sharp, H; Steif, M; Rottmann, C; Sharp, J; Stephan, P; Rucks, L; Shaw, C; Stevens, R; Streveler, R; Tolbert, D; van Der Marel, F; Strobel, J; Toraman, S; van Hattum, N; Stump, G; Tougaw, D; Verdin, D; Su, X; Trautvetter, LC; Verleger, M; Sundararaja, N; Trenshaw, KF; Vieira, C; Trevelyan, J; Svihla, V; Troussas, C; Villanueva, I; Swan, C; Tsai, J; Vinck, D; Virguez, L; Swanson, R; Tsugawa, MA; Vitasari, P; Sweeny, K; Tuononen, T; Vossoughi, S; Swenson, J; Turner, J; Wallin, P; Talley, K; Turner, S; Tan, L; Tyson, W; Watted, A; Tang, Y; Utley, J; Webber, K; Tank, K; Vasquez, RV; Weintrop, D; Thomas, K; Valdivia, A; Weiss, E; Thompson, JD; Valentine, A; West, R; Tierney, G; Van den Bogaard, M; Wiles, D; Wilson-Lopez, AA; Xinrui, X; Zastavker, Y; Wilson, D; Xu, YJ; Zhang, G; Wolmarans, N; Yang, Y; Zhu, J; Wong, R; Yi, S; Zoltowski, CB; Woollacott, L; Yoon, SY
2011-01Using Otolith Increment Widths To Infer Spatial, Temporal And Gender Variation In The Growth Of Sand Whiting Sillago CiliataStocks, J; Stewart, J; Gray, C; West, R
2010-01Using Otoliths To Estimate Age And Growth Of A Large Australian Endemic Monocanthid, Nelusetta Ayraudi (quoy And Gaimard, 1824)Miller, M; Stewart, J; West, R