Showing results 1 to 20 of 42
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2011-03-01 | Active and tunable metamaterials | Boardman, AD; Grimalsky, VV; Kivshar, YS; Koshevaya, SV; Lapine, M; Litchinitser, NM; Malnev, VN; Noginov, M; Rapoport, YG; Shalaev, VM |
2012-07-01 | Anderson localization in metamaterials and other complex media: (Review Article) | Gredeskul, SA; Kivshar, YS; Asatryan, AA; Bliokh, KY; Bliokh, YP; Freilikher, VD; Shadrivov, IV |
2010-02-26 | Anderson localization of classical waves in weakly scattering metamaterials | Asatryan, AA; Gredeskul, SA; Botten, LC; Byrne, MA; Freilikher, VD; Shadrivov, IV; McPhedran, RC; Kivshar, YS |
2009-12-15 | Bloch-mode extraction from near-field data in periodic waveguides | Ha, S; Sukhorukov, AA; Dossou, KB; Botten, LC; De Sterke, CM; Kivshar, YS |
2013-01-11 | Broadband diamagnetism in anisotropic metamaterials | Lapine, M; Krylova, AK; Belov, PA; Poulton, CG; McPhedran, RC; Kivshar, YS |
2013-11-18 | Broadband isotropic μ-near-zero metamaterials | Belov, PA; Slobozhanyuk, AP; Filonov, DS; Yagupov, IV; Kapitanova, PV; Simovski, CR; Lapine, M; Kivshar, YS |
2014-09-12 | Colloquium: Nonlinear metamaterials | Lapine, M; Shadrivov, IV; Kivshar, YS |
2010-07-12 | Complete spectral gap in coupled dielectric waveguides embedded into metal | Liu, W; Sukhorukov, AA; Miroshnichenko, AE; Poulton, CG; Xu, Z; Neshev, DN; Kivshar, YS |
2008-01-21 | Dispersionless tunneling of slow light in antisymmetric photonic crystal couplers | Ha, S; Sukhorukov, AA; Dossou, KB; Botten, LC; Lavrinenko, AV; Chigrin, DN; Kivshar, YS |
2013-01-01 | Dynamic optical activity and self-oscillation in torsional metamaterials | Liu, M; Powell, DA; Shadrivov, IV; Lapine, M; Kivshar, YS |
2008-09-15 | The effect of metamaterials on Anderson localisation | Asatrvan, AA; Botten, LC; Byrne, MA; Freilikher, VD; Gredeskul, SA; Shadrivov, IV; McPhedran, RC; Kivshar, YS |
2010-11-29 | Effects of polarization on the transmission and localization of classical waves in weakly scattering metamaterials | Asatryan, AA; Botten, LC; Byrne, MA; Freilikher, VD; Gredeskul, SA; Shadrivov, IV; McPhedran, RC; Kivshar, YS |
2013-07-05 | Flexible helices for nonlinear metamaterials | Slobozhanyuk, AP; Lapine, M; Powell, DA; Shadrivov, IV; Kivshar, YS; McPhedran, RC; Belov, PA |
2017-11-22 | Giant enhancement and control of second-harmonic radiation from algaas nanoantennas | Rahmani, M; Kruk, S; Camacho-Morales, R; Xu, L; Wang, L; Miroshnichenko, AE; Smirnova, D; Tan, H; Karouta, F; Naureen, S; Vora, K; Solntsev, AS; Carletti, L; De Angelis, C; Jagadish, C; Kivshar, YS; Neshev, DN |
2013-01-01 | Light coupling in microwave metamaterials | Slobozhanyuk, AP; Kapitanova, PV; Shadrivov, IV; Filonov, DS; Powell, DA; Belov, PA; Lapine, M; Kivshar, YS |
2012-01-01 | Magnetoelastic metamaterials | Lapine, M; Shadrivov, IV; Powell, DA; Kivshar, YS |
2011-09-06 | Magnetoelastic metamaterials | Lapine, M; Shadrivov, IV; Powell, DA; Kivshar, YS |
2011-12-01 | Metamaterials with conformational nonlinearity | Lapine, M; Shadrivov, IV; Powell, DA; Kivshar, YS |
2016-11-09 | Nonlinear Generation of Vector Beams from AlGaAs Nanoantennas | Camacho-Morales, R; Rahmani, M; Kruk, S; Wang, L; Xu, L; Smirnova, DA; Solntsev, AS; Miroshnichenko, A; Tan, HH; Karouta, F; Naureen, S; Vora, K; Carletti, L; De Angelis, C; Jagadish, C; Kivshar, YS; Neshev, DN |
2014-01-06 | Nonlinear interaction of meta-atoms through optical coupling | Slobozhanyuk, AP; Kapitanova, PV; Filonov, DS; Powell, DA; Shadrivov, IV; Lapine, M; Belov, PA; McPhedran, RC; Kivshar, YS |