Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009-01 | Avian orientation: the pulse effect is mediated by the magnetite receptors in the upper beak | Wiltschko, W; Munro, UH; Ford, H; Wiltschko, R |
2006-01 | Bird navigation: What type of information does the magnetite-based receptor provide? | Wiltschko, W; Munro, UH; Ford, H; Wiltschko, R |
2006-01 | Clutch size and fledgling success of thr Australian white ibis Threskionis molucca in an urban environment | Corben, D; Munro, UH |
2008-01 | Contradictory results on the role of polarized light in compass calibration in migratory songbirds | Wiltschko, R; Munro, UH; Ford, H; Wiltschko, W |
2006-01 | Daytime behaviour of the grey-headed flying fox Pteropus poliocephalus Temminck (Pteropodidae: Megashirptera) at an Autumn/Winter roost | Connell, K; Munro, UH; Torpy, FR |
2008-01 | Different responses in two strains of chickens (Gallus gallus) in a magnetic orientation test | Freire, R; Munro, UH; Rogers, L; Sagasser, S; Wiltschko, R; Wiltschko, W |
2002-01 | Evidence for the use of magnetic cues in mound construction by the termite Amitermes meridionalis (Isoptera: Terminae) | Jacklyn, P; Munro, UH |
2005-01 | Food consumption, body mass and fat deposition in captive regent honeyeaters, Xanthomyza phrygia (Meliphagidae), during the non-breeding season | Munro, UH; McFadden, MS |
2003-01 | Lateralisation of magnetic compass orientation in silvereyes, Zosterops lateralis | Wiltschko, W; Munro, UH; Ford, H; Wiltschko, R |
2008-01 | Lateralized response of chicks to magnetic cues | Rogers, L; Munro, UH; Freire, R; Wiltschko, R; Wiltschko, W |
2008-01 | Light-dependent magnetoreception: orientation behaviour of migratory birds under dim red light | Wiltschko, R; Munro, UH; Ford, H; Stapput, K; Wiltschko, W |
2007-01 | The magnetic compass of domestic chickens, Gallus gallus | Wiltschko, W; Freire, R; Munro, UH; Ritz, T; Rogers, L; Thalau, P; Wiltschko, R |
2003-01 | Magnetic orientation in birds: non-compass responses under monochromatic light of increased intensity | Wiltschko, W; Munro, UH; Ford, H; Wiltschko, R |
1994-01 | A Magnetic Pulse Leads To A Temporary Deflection In The Orientation Of Migratory Birds | Wiltschko, W; Munro, UH; Beason, R; Ford, H; Wiltschko, R |
2002-01 | Magnetite-based magnetoreception in birds: the effect of a biasing field and a pulse on migratory behaviour | Wiltschko, W; Munro, UH; Wiltschko, R; Kirschvink, JL |
2007-01 | Magnetite-based magnetoreception the effect of repeated pulsing on the orientation of migratory birds | Wiltschko, W; Ford, H; Munro, UH; Winklhofer, M; Wiltschko, R |
2001-01 | Orientation of Migratory Birds: Time-Associated Relearning of Celestial Cues | Wiltschko, R; Munro, UH; Ford, H; Wiltschko, W |
2010-01 | Seasonal Changes In The Behaviour And Circadian Rhythms In Activity And Behaviour Of Captive Koalas Phascolarctos Cinereus | Benesch, A; Munro, UH; Krop, T; Fleissner, G |
2003-01 | Seasonal trends in food consumption and body mass of captive Regent Honeyeaters Xanthomyza phrygia (Meliphagidae) | Munro, UH; McCloskey, K; Cooke, B |