Browsing byAuthorRogers, C

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-02-26Abortion in Nepal: perspectives of a cross-section of sexual and reproductive health and rights professionals.Rogers, C; Sapkota, S; Tako, A; Dantas, JAR
2017-10Access to contraception and sexual and reproductive health information post-abortion: a systematic review of literature from low- and middle-income countries.Rogers, C; Dantas, JAR
2022Antilocution and trust in the workplace: Perceptions of higher education trained police recruits in England and WalesRogers, C; Turner, J; Birch, P
2023-02Clinician views and experiences with reproductive coercion screening in a family planning service.Cheng, Y; Rogers, C; Boerma, CJ; Botfield, JR; Estoesta, J; Fairley, C
2008-05-01Electrodermal activity as a possible physiological marker for acupunctureVickland, V; Rogers, C; Craig, A; Tran, Y
2019-02-01Entry requirements in nursing: Results from a national survey of nurse academics on entry requirements in Australian bachelor of nursing programsRalph, N; Graham, C; Beccaria, L; Rogers, C
2023-05-24Guest editorial : Emergingissuesinthepolicingprofession–SpecialIssueJournalof CriminologicalResearch,PolicyandPracticeRogers, C; Birch, P
2019-07-15Medical abortion in Nepal: a qualitative study on women's experiences at safe abortion services and pharmacies.Rogers, C; Sapkota, S; Paudel, R; Dantas, JAR
2022-09-06More New Zealand Storm Petrels Fregetta maoriana off Gau Island, Fiji, in May 2022Flood, RL; Danzenbaker, M; Hansbro, PM; Rogers, C; Tanoi, H; Tanoi, S
2007-12-01The need for traditional Chinese medicine morbidity researchMeier, PC; Rogers, C
2019-05-01On a theorem of AvezElder, M; Rogers, C
2006-07-01Reporting Traditional Chinese Medicine morbidity - A University of Technology, Sydney, project with an emphasis on developing standards for testing and reporting dataMeier, PC; Rogers, C
2019-03-01Research priorities for childhood chronic conditions: a workshop reportLopez-Vargas, P; Tong, A; Crowe, S; Alexander, SI; Caldwell, PHY; Campbell, DE; Couper, J; Davidson, A; De, S; Fitzgerald, DA; Haddad, S; Hill, S; Howell, M; Jaffe, A; James, LJ; Ju, A; Manera, KE; McKenzie, A; Morrow, AM; Odgers, HL; Pinkerton, R; Ralph, AF; Richmond, P; Shaw, PJ; Singh-Grewal, D; Van Zwieten, A; Wake, M; Craig, JC; Bowyer, A; Valerio, C; Kambi, C; Guha, C; Walker, C; Kambi, D; Elharris, F; Pagano, G; Stumbles, J; Gile, J; Wong, K; Black, K; Bowyer, M; Harris, M; Lin, P; Jones, P; McGann, P; Pagano, P; Elhassan, R; Cole, S; Fernance, Z; Brown, A; Blake, J; Keath, J; Chandler, J; Griffin, L; Harnett, L; Fernandez, ML; Jackson, M; Haskard, M; Burke, N; Gardos, R; Brophy, S; Bowers, A; Ralph, A; van Zwieten, A; Penna, A; Wyse, B; Scanlan, C; Rogers, C; Cowell, C; Spencer, G; Hiscock, H; Odgers, H; Puusepp-Benazzouz, H; Razee, H; Boyle, J; Belcher, J; Craig, J; Ozimek-Kulik, J; Bau, K; Manera, K; James, L; Mimmo, L; Hallowell, L; Wallen, M; Bowden, M; Nassar, N; Lopez-Varga, P; Karlsson, P; Carlson, S; Hall, S; Sheppard-Law, S; Wilson, Y
2017-11-01Some fundamental differences between IYLM and ISLM: Reply to FullerO'Donnell, R; Rogers, C
2019-01-02Sub-dominant Cogrowth Behavior and the Viability of Deciding Amenability NumericallyElder, M; Rogers, C
2021-04-08Thanks to Reviewers!Adams, R; Bahnson, M; Bhaduri, S; Adams, T; Bairaktarova, D; Bielefeldt, A; Aguirre-Munoz, Z; Balakrishnan, B; Blosser, EG; Ahn, B; Beagon, U; Bodnar, C; Aleong, R; Becker, K; Borgford-Parnell, J; Amelink, C; Beddoes, K; Maura, B; Anderson, R; Bego, C; Bowe, B; Andrews, CJ; Beigpourian, B; Bowen, B; Angel, J; Bekki, J; Boyd, J; Fonseca, MA; Bennett, D; Bradburn, I; Kranov, AA; Berdanier, C; Brady, C; Bae, CL; Bernhard, J; Brawner, C; Brose, A; Case, J; Cropley, D; Brown, F; Cassady, R; Cross, K; Brown, P; Celik, S; Cunningham, P; Brown, P; Ben, C; Cutler, S; Brown, S; Chance, SM; Dabbagh, N; Brozina, C; Chen, H; Dallal, A; Brunhaver, S; Chen, O; Daly, S; Bryant, A; Cheville, RA; Daniel, S; Bucciarelli, L; Chiu, J; Danowitz, A; Burkholder, E; Choe, NH; Darolia, R; Burks, G; Clark, R; Davis, K; Burt, B; Clevenger, C; Davis, S; Canney, N; Cole, J; de Jong, T; Cao, Y; Coley, B; De Vries, C; Caratozzolo, P; Cooper, L; Delaine, D; Carballo, R; Cooper, M; DeMonbrun, R; Cardella, M; Craig, T; Denton, M; Di Stefano, M; Erdman, AM; Gilmartin, S; DiBiasio, D; Eris, O; Gladstone, J; Diefes-Dux, H; Evangelou, D; Glancy, A; Dika, S; Ewen, B; Godwin, A; Direito, I; Faber, C; Goldsmith, R; Dohn, N; Falconer, J; Grigg, SJ; Dolansky, M; Fantz, T; Grohs, J; Faulkner, B; Doom, D; Felder, R; Gummer, E; Douglas, E; Ferris, T; Guzey, S; Douglas, KA; Figueiredo, J; Hadgraft, R; Dounas-Frazer, D; Fiorella, L; Hammack, R; Dringenberg, E; Flores, L; Han, K; Duffy, G; Fong, C; Harding, T; Easley, D; Fowler, RR; Harper, K; Eccles, J; Friedrichsen, D; Hartmann, B; Edstrom, K; Ge, J; Hattingh, T; Ellestad, R; Gelles, L; Henderson, R; Henderson, TS; Immekus, J; Kamphorst, J; Herman, G; Inda, M; Karatas, F; Hess, J; Itabashi-Campbell, R; Kartal, O; Hieb, J; Jackson, A; Karwat, D; Higbee, S; Jankowski, N; Katz, A; Hilton, E; Javernick-Will, A; Keipi, T; Hira, A; Jensen, KJ; Kim, D; Hirshfield, L; Smith, J; Kirn, A; Knaphus-Soran, E; Holly, J; Jesiek, B; Knight, D; Horng, S-M; Johnson, A; Knott, T; Huang-Saad, A; Johnson, B; Kohl, P; Huerta, M; Johri, A; Kohtala, C; Huff, J; Jones, B; Komives, S; Hughes, B; Jones, L; Korsunskiy, E; Hughes, R; Jones, T; Kotys-Schwartz, D; Hunsu, N; Kaminski, J; Kramer, J; Hunter, C; Kampe, J-C; Inkelas, KK; Lamm, M; Lonngren, J; McCall, C; Lande, M; Lottero-Perdue, PS; McCave, E; Lappalainen, P; Aguilar, JFL; McCray, E; Lawanto, O; Lucena, J; McGee, E; Lawson, J; Luk, LYY; McGough, C; Leath, S; Lutz, B; McGowan, V; Lee, D; Ma, Y; McNair, LD; Lee, W; Madon, T; McNaughtan, J; Liberatore, M; Mamaril, N; McNeill, N; Lichtenstein, G; Mangiante, E; Mejia, J; Lima, M; Martin, B; Diaz, NM; Lima, RM; Martin, K; Menekse, M; Lin, J; Lippard, C; Mones, AM; Mesquita, DIDA; Michell, K; Litzler, E; Matthews, M; Miller, S; Lo, CK; Matusovich, H; Minichiello, A; London, J; Maynard, N; Miskioglu, EE; Longwell-Grice, R; Mazzurco, A; Yusof, KM; Mohedas, I; Nghia, TLH; Pearson, A; Monat, J; Norton, P; Pearson, N; Monteiro, F; Novoselich, BJ; Pembridge, J; Moote, J; Noy, S; Perez-Felkner, L; Mora, M; O'Hara, R; Perkins, H; O'Moore, L; Peters-Burton, E; Morgan, D; Ohland, M; Pfirman, A; Morgan, T; Okai, B; Pinto, C; Morton, T; Olds, B; Pitterson, N; Mosyjowski, E; Orr, M; Polmear, M; Murphy, T; Ortega-Alvarez, JD; Prince, T; Murray, J; Oseguera, L; Purzer, S; Murzi, H; Owen, C; Quan, GM; Nagy, G; Ozkan, DS; Quillin, K; Natarajathinam, M; Panther, G; Rayess, N; Nelson, M; Patrick, A; Reed, T; Newberry, B; Paul, K; Reeping, D; Newstetter, W; Pawley, A; Reese, M; Reid, K; Rulifson, G; Shivy, V; Renn, K; Rynearson, AM; Simpson, Z; Ricco, G; Sanchez-Pena, ML; Sitomer, A; Richards, L; Saunders-Smits, G; Siverling, E; Rios, L; Sax, L; Slaton, A; Ro, HK; Schimpf, C; Sleezer, R; Roberts, D; Rodgers, K; Schippers, M; Smith-On, C; Rodriguez, S; Schnittka, C; Smith, J; Schunn, C; Rogers, C; Seah, LH; Smith, J; Rohde, J; Rohrer, D; Secules, S; Smith, K; Smith, N; Romine, W; Seifert, C; Sochacka, N; Ross, L; Sessa, V; Stearns, E; Ross, M; Sharp, H; Steif, M; Rottmann, C; Sharp, J; Stephan, P; Rucks, L; Shaw, C; Stevens, R; Streveler, R; Tolbert, D; van Der Marel, F; Strobel, J; Toraman, S; van Hattum, N; Stump, G; Tougaw, D; Verdin, D; Su, X; Trautvetter, LC; Verleger, M; Sundararaja, N; Trenshaw, KF; Vieira, C; Trevelyan, J; Svihla, V; Troussas, C; Villanueva, I; Swan, C; Tsai, J; Vinck, D; Virguez, L; Swanson, R; Tsugawa, MA; Vitasari, P; Sweeny, K; Tuononen, T; Vossoughi, S; Swenson, J; Turner, J; Wallin, P; Talley, K; Turner, S; Tan, L; Tyson, W; Watted, A; Tang, Y; Utley, J; Webber, K; Tank, K; Vasquez, RV; Weintrop, D; Thomas, K; Valdivia, A; Weiss, E; Thompson, JD; Valentine, A; West, R; Tierney, G; Van den Bogaard, M; Wiles, D; Wilson-Lopez, AA; Xinrui, X; Zastavker, Y; Wilson, D; Xu, YJ; Zhang, G; Wolmarans, N; Yang, Y; Zhu, J; Wong, R; Yi, S; Zoltowski, CB; Woollacott, L; Yoon, SY
2021-07-22The Cost of Raising Individuals with Fragile X or Chromosome 15 Imprinting Disorders in Australia.Baker, EK; Arora, S; Amor, DJ; Date, P; Cross, M; O'Brien, J; Simons, C; Rogers, C; Goodall, S; Slee, J; Cahir, C; Godler, DE
2020-03-01Women Migrants in Western Australia: Case Studies of Resilience and EmpowermentDantas, JAR; Strauss, P; Cameron, R; Rogers, C