Immersive Intelligence Genomic Data Visualisation

ACM Press
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2019
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© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery. Genomics data are very complex and could contain crucial information about a disease or how a treatment method may perform well on one but not on another. Understanding such genomic data would enable better insight into the correlation between genes and diseases, which could facilitate personalised treatments for the patients. Although visualisations have been increasingly used in the genomic analysis, there is still limited research work on interactive visualisations on immersive platforms, such as in Augmented and Virtual Reality. This paper presents a new interactive visualisation and navigation of genomics data in such environments. We provide an overview of the patient cohort in 3D genetic similarity-space as well as the views of the genes of interests for detail study. The visualisation employs avatars to represent the patients to enhance the realistic look-and-feel of the patients in the immersive environments. We illustrate the effectiveness of our platform through a childhood cancer dataset, B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia.
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