Divination for an Entangled Novel Ecology

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The conditions of the Anthropocene have provoked the emergence of new ecological landscape typologies, which are the direct result of human impact. These are called novel ecosystems. This research designs a method for celebrating the weird origins of these landscapes by responding to these ecosystems in their ‘as found’ condition. I investigate ways of learning at a situated level by revealing the intricate relationships that build each unique ecology. Novel ecologies exist as political and cultural entities that reflect the abundant changes in our current ecological climate. They sit as physical manifestations of Australia’s industrial history and as a counter to the governed values prescribed by councils. Where practices of restoration are employed as a measure of reversing the ecological damage created in our industrial past, however, these strategies are not inclusive of novel ecologies. What is needed instead are strategies that sensitively respond to these landscapes. This research proposes 'divinationfor' is proposed as a counter. A method that attunes how we might learn from and listen to novel ecologies through intimate instructions. I engage with Donna Haraway’s cyborg, tangling the digital, the landscape and the human together to form this practice. This research designs 'divinationfor' through JavaScript code as a method that is tested through continued site-centred encounters within Johnstons Creek, a novel ecosystem located in Sydney’s inner west. Through this method, I investigate this ecology through novel explorations that are reflective of the site’s ecological complexity. I use a website to gather each of these explorations into a single platform, enabling multiple representation forms to exist together and revealing the intimate relationships established between the landscape and myself. The research is uncovering how to become a participant with the landscape, designing how the landscape architect engages with novel ecosystems by becoming novel themselves.
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