The Parable Proxy of Possibilities

Springer Nature
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The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible, 2022, pp. 1-10
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The Parable Proxy of Possibilities is an innovation framework that enables organizations to safely interrogate the perspectives that materialize and maintain the status quo to generate system-wide transformation. The status quo is a convention that provides the knowledge needed to navigate and sustain culture, creating meaningful relationships that enhance people’s emotional and physical well-being (Lakoff and Johnson 2008). However, it also suppresses innovation by stifling perspectives that question its truth. Culture gives society a shared meaning that makes its members feel emotionally centered and secure as it anchors them in the world. Culture creates its narratives with the myths and metaphors that materialize as its objective reality. Without the sense-making of culture, people feel displaced, so they suppress perspectives that can contradict the status quo – their truth. However, the status quo is not a sacred state. It is a metaphor for a culture’s collective agreement of reality that limits knowledge production by excluding other epistemologies. Today, society is in desperate need of new ways of thinking about the planet’s social and climatic challenges. It needs to increase the resilience of the status quo to embrace new knowledge without its members feeling displaced. The Parable Proxy of Possibilities is a framework to help new perspectives be incorporated into the status quo to engender more possibilities. It does this by demonstrating the similar differences (Bohm 2004, p. 60) of others’ perspectives to enable new relationships to be discerned to enlighten and safely expand the worldview of the status quo. In this light, as the name reflects, the Parable Proxy of Possibilities is a creative insights generator rather than a creative problem-solving process model.
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