Applying microfluidics for industrial production of stem cells

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Stem cells have immense potential in the fields of regenerative medicine, drug discovery, and cellular agriculture. As our understanding of these cells deepens, the demand for them is increasing rapidly. However, the current production process is inadequate to meet this high demand, leading to low yields and poor product quality. This inconsistency in quality results in unstable therapeutic outcomes and clinical trial failures, leading to increased costs of stem cell products. Microfluidic technology presents a promising solution to these challenges. It utilizes small channels to control the flow of liquids precisely and has been found to have potential in a range of biotechnology applications due to the precision handling of fluid flow. microfluidic devices provide better outcomes such as high processing efficiency, low-cost, and clogging-free separation. This thesis showcases the application of microfluidic devices in the stem cell industry including a high throughput microfluidic droplet generator for producing dissolvable and edible microcarriers for the cultivated meat industry, a 3D printed microfluidic system for detaching stem cells from current commercial microcarriers, and a micromixer for homogeneously mixing cryoprotectant and stem cells, replacing current industrial bulk mixing methods. The thesis also provides potential future works related to microfluidic applications in the field.
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