Exploiting Successive Interference Cancellation for Spectrum Sharing over Unlicensed Bands

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024, 23, (3), pp. 2438-2455
Issue Date:
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Harmonious coexistence among different unlicensed wireless technologies has became increasingly important due to the spectrum shortage problem. As a representative case, we focus on addressing LTE-LAA and WiFi coexistence in unlicensed bands. Traditionally, collision avoidance-based medium access control (MAC) protocols adopted by LAA and WiFi have led to low channel utilization and fairness. In this paper, we explore physical-layer interference suppression techniques (e.g., successive interference cancellation, SIC) to enhance the spectrum utilization of coexisting LAA and WiFi networks. We propose a SIC-aware MAC protocol that embraces concurrent transmissions and optimizes the channel access strategy at the MAC layer, so as to mitigate the cross-technology interference and improve spectrum efficiency and fairness. We theoretically analyze the network throughput by extending Bianchi's Markov model, considering the impact of concurrent transmissions and SIC. We also extend the analysis to consider MIMO and MU-MIMO links with SIC. We validate our theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the proposed MAC protocol via extensive simulations. We also implement a prototype LAA/WiFi SIC receiver on USRP devices to demonstrate the feasibility of cross-technology SIC and the proposed MAC protocol.
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