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Item hits:
- 375 40 Engineering
- 304 46 Information and computing scie...
- 283 Artificial Intelligence & Image P...
- 162 4009 Electronics, sensors and dig...
- 158 4005 Civil engineering
- 155 4006 Communications engineering
- 138 4008 Electrical engineering
- 136 Humans
- 131 4606 Distributed computing and sy...
- 112 4016 Materials engineering
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Has File(s)
- 3242 true
- 2406 Journal Article
- 608 Conference Proceeding
- 175 Chapter
- 15 Preprint
- 12 preprint
- 9 Book
- 8 Report
- 2 Edited Book
- 1 Book review
- 1 Creative Work (Performance)
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Copyright Status
- 1721 Closed Access
- 956 Open Access
- 366 Embargoed
- 100 open_access
- 41 In Progress
- 27 Recently Added
- 11 embargoed
- 8 in_progress
- 7 recently_added
- 5 closed_access
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