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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2015-04-08A case study of asthma care in school age children using nurse-coordinated multidisciplinary collaborative practicesProcter, S; Brooks, F; Wilson, P; Crouchman, C; Kendall, S
2015-01-01Inflammatory bowel disease in young patients: Challenges faced by black and minority ethnic communities in the UKAlexakis, C; Nash, A; Lloyd, M; Brooks, F; Lindsay, JO; Poullis, A
2015Loop: A learning analytics tool to provide teachers with useful data visualisationsCorrin, L; Kennedy, G; Barba, PD; Bakharia, A; Lockyer, L; Gasevic, D; Williams, D; Dawson, S; Copeland, S; Reiners, T; von Konsky, BR; Gibson, D; Chang, V; Irving, L; Clarke, K
2015-09-01Establishing large scale therapy fidelity processes inthe Very Early Rehabilitation in SpEech (VERSE) clinical trial: Lessons learnedGodecke, E; Armstrong, E; Ciccone, N; Middleton, S; Rai, T; Cadilhac, D; Rose, M; Whitworth, A; Holland, A; Hankey, G; Ellery, F; Bernhardt, J
2015-01-01The Challenge of CorruptionManion, M; deLisle, J; Goldstein, A
2015-01-01Social capital from online discussion forums: Differences between online and blended modes of deliveryCarceller, C; Dawson, S; Lockyer, L
2015-08-14A review of survey methodology and resultsRai, T
2015-09-01COMPARE: A national randomized controlled trialcomparing two intensive treatments to usual care forindividuals with chronic aphasiaRose, M; Copland, D; Nickels, L; Meinzer, M; Rai, T; Godecke, E
2015Investigating university educators’ design thinking and the implications for design support toolsBennett, S; Agostinho, S; Lockyer, L; Dalziel, J
2015-01-01Trends in adolescents' perceived parental communication across 32 countries in Europe and North America from 2002 to 2010Brooks, F; Zaborskis, A; Tabak, I; Granado Alcón, MDC; Zemaitiene, N; De Roos, S; Klemera, E
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