The relationships between pre-match hydration status, match performance, injury and body mass changes in elite Australian footballers

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Science in Football VI: The Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Science and Football, 2009, 1, pp. 260 - 263
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It has been shown that hypohydration occurs during both training and competition in soccer, rugby league, gridiron and Australian Rules football (ARF) (Burke and Hawley, 1997; Meir el al., 2003; AI-Jaser and Hasan. 2006). Hypohydration h:t\ been associated with reductions in endurance performance, intermittent sprint perfonmance, muscular strength, perceptive discrimination and decision.making ability (Burke and Hawley, t 997; McGregor et aI., 1999; Ciao el al., 200 I; SChO({sI:lll et al 2001). Each of these factors is important for performance in ARE
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