The legacy of 50 years of fuzzy sets: A discussion

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2015, 281 pp. 21 - 31
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© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. This note provides a brief overview of the main ideas and notions underlying fifty years of research in fuzzy set and possibility theory, two important settings introduced by L.A. Zadeh for representing sets with unsharp boundaries and uncertainty induced by granules of information expressed with words. The discussion is organized on the basis of three potential understanding of the grades of membership to a fuzzy set, depending on what the fuzzy set intends to represent: a group of elements with borderline members, a plausibility distribution, or a preference profile. It also questions the motivations for some existing generalized fuzzy sets. This note clearly reflects the shared personal views of its authors.
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