Design of an HTS levitated double-sided HTSLSM for maglev

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Physics Procedia, 2012, 36 pp. 1031 - 1036
Issue Date:
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© 2012 Published by Elsevier B.V. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the Guest Editors. A hybrid high temperature superconducting (HTS) linear synchronous propulsion system composed of a double-sided HTS linear synchronous motor (HTSLSM) in the middle and HTS magnetic suspension sub-systems on both sides has been proposed for a middle-low-speed maglev. Three carriages has been made up for the proposed maglev, and each carriage consists of four HTSLSM modules. The HTSLSM has been designed to reach a speed of 69 km/h and a maximum thrust of 48.9 kN for each motor. The finite element analysis has been used for the theoretical verification. The results obtained show that the HTS linear propulsion system satisfies the principal requirements for the maglev.
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