Locomotion dynamics of agile canines

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Greyhounds are the fastest of all canine breeds, capable of attaining 70 km/h in 30 metres. The greyhound's unique sprinting ability has made it an elite sprinter and racing animal throughout history. Greyhounds sustain specific injuries, mainly skeletal, that are believed to be race-related and are rarely seen in other breeds of dogs. This dissertation focuses on studying the locomotion dynamics and foot-surface interaction of greyhounds. Accordingly, a thorough review was conducted of the literature on severe musculoskeletal injuries in greyhounds, factors contributing to injury in greyhound racing, different methods of measuring the locomotion dynamics of legged mechanisms, and different approaches to simulating legged locomotion. This review is presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 outlines common types of severe race-related injuries in racing greyhounds drawn from two years' worth of injury data collected on New South Wales greyhound racing tracks by qualified on-track veterinarians between January 2016 and December 2017. In Chapter 4 the method used to study the functional properties of greyhound race track sand surfaces is described, and the findings of the effects of altering the moisture content and rates of compaction on the dynamic behaviour of sand surfaces are presented and compared with findings from relevant literature. The experimental method used to derive the stiffness and damping coefficients of sand samples is explained in detail. Chapter 5 shows how the galloping dynamics of greyhounds were measured using a single Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). The IMU which was equipped with a tri-axial accelerometer was embedded in a pocket located approximately on the greyhound's Centre of Mass. The acceleration signals could successfully identify the turning dynamics regardless of the type of track surface. Finally, Chapter 6 presents the results of simulations of the hind-leg dynamics during the most critical duration of the galloping gait using the Spring-Loaded-Inverted-Pendulum method. The primary purpose of the designed SLIP model was to estimate greyhound hind-leg dynamics by altering surface properties.
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