Level-set topology optimization for maximizing fracture resistance of brittle materials using phase-field fracture model

Publication Type:
Journal Article
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2020, 121, (13), pp. 2929-2945
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© 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Fracture is one of the most common failure modes in brittle materials. It can drastically decrease material integrity and structural strength. To address this issue, we propose a level-set (LS) based topology optimization procedure to optimize the distribution of reinforced inclusions within matrix materials subject to the volume constraint for maximizing structural resistance to fracture. A phase-field fracture model is formulated herein to simulate crack initiation and propagation, in which a staggered algorithm is developed to solve such time-dependent crack propagation problems. In line with diffusive damage of the phase-field approach for fracture; topological derivatives, which provide gradient information for the topology optimization in a LS framework, are derived for fracture mechanics problems. A reaction-diffusion equation is adopted to update the LS function within a finite element framework. This avoids the reinitialization by overcoming the limitation to time step with the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition. In this article, three numerical examples, namely, a L-shaped section, a rectangular slab with predefined cracks, and an all-ceramic onlay dental bridge (namely, fixed partial denture), are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed LS based topology optimization for enhancing fracture resistance of multimaterial composite structures in a phase-field fracture context.
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