Theorising globalisation and pedagogy: the totally unacceptable 'other'

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Discourse: studies in the cultural politics of education, 2010, 31 (1), pp. 137 - 148
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Since the collapse of the former Soviet Union and the degenerated workers states of Eastern Europe, there has been a plethora of must-read `expert opinion reports, articles, and books on the ill-defined topic of globalisation. With the winds of economic and discursive restructuring billowing in their sails, many academics on the educational left have been quick to cut themselves free from the moorings of foundational truths and imperial consequences. Travelling swiftly along cultural currents interpreted as evidence of liberatory mobility, these academics engage with intimate and fashionable `readings of post-industrial and post-development societies. Such fleet-footed scholars eschew what they claim to be the absurdities of big theory in favour of practices of hybridity, nomadism and fluidity. As the Marxist literary critic Terry Eagleton (2003) writes,
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