On the magnetic field and temperature monitoring of a solenoid coil for a novel magnetorheological elastomer base isolator

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2013, 412 (1)
Issue Date:
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Following a successful experimental validation of a magnetorheological elastomer (MRE) base isolator, this study presents one of the major concerns, the heating of the magnetic coil, in the design and development of the adaptive MRE based isolator. In this research, the MRE materials, with a total thickness of nearly 150 mm, are placed as the magnetic core of the device to best utilize the magnetic energy provided by the coil. A series of tests are undertaken to investigate the magnetic fields inside the coil with or without the MRE materials. Thermocouples are used to monitoring the surface temperature of the coil when it is applied with various currents for 10 min. It is shown that the measurement of field inside the solenoid when no MRE is placed inside agrees with the theoretical analysis. It is also shown that the temperature of the coil increase dramatically when a current is applied. Cooling of the coil may takes even longer, about 4 h, till down to the room temperature. Dropping of the magnetic field is observed when the temperature goes high. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.
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