A fictional work : The secret cure and a dissertation : a writer looks at creativity and neuroscience

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NO FULL TEXT AVAILABLE. Access is restricted indefinitely. ----- Can a novelist, untrained in science, usefully comment on her own creative processes if her comments are informed by recent findings in neuroscience and research and theories of cognitive psychology and the brain? Can one person’s rigorous self-examination using these findings tell us about a class of experience? The dissertation examines through work diaries, early drafts of the novel submitted, The Secret Cure, the novelist’s struggle to harness her imagination during the novel’s creation. One of her preoccupations is to explain the puzzling but abiding sense of bliss that accompanies particular moments of creativity, a bliss that causes her to constantly return to make “a pact with the devil”. The novelist’s examination is informed by neuroscience and brain imaging, notably Vilayanur S. Ramachandran’s “peak shift” theory; also by George Christos’ theories about “spurious memories”, Giaccomo Rizzolatti’s “mirror neurons” as well as by cognitive psychology on insight, in particular Colin Martindale’s work on close and remote associations, and Kelly’s work on the attaining of a “Creativity Cycle”.
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