Browsing byAuthorMacreadie, PI

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-01-15To what extent can decommissioning options for marine artificial structures move us toward environmental targets?Knights, AM; Lemasson, AJ; Firth, LB; Beaumont, N; Birchenough, S; Claisse, J; Coolen, JWP; Copping, A; De Dominicis, M; Degraer, S; Elliott, M; Fernandes, PG; Fowler, AM; Frost, M; Henry, L-A; Hicks, N; Hyder, K; Jagerroos, S; Love, M; Lynam, C; Macreadie, PI; McLean, D; Marlow, J; Mavraki, N; Montagna, PA; Paterson, DM; Perrow, MR; Porter, J; Bull, AS; Schratzberger, M; Shipley, B; van Elden, S; Vanaverbeke, J; Want, A; Watson, SCL; Wilding, TA; Somerfield, PJ
2022-10-26Pathways for Understanding Blue Carbon Microbiomes with Amplicon SequencingHurtado-McCormick, V; Trevathan-Tackett, SM; Bowen, JL; Connolly, RM; Duarte, CM; Macreadie, PI
2022-06Influence of offshore oil and gas structures on seascape ecological connectivity.McLean, DL; Ferreira, LC; Benthuysen, JA; Miller, KJ; Schläppy, M-L; Ajemian, MJ; Berry, O; Birchenough, SNR; Bond, T; Boschetti, F; Bull, AS; Claisse, JT; Condie, SA; Consoli, P; Coolen, JWP; Elliott, M; Fortune, IS; Fowler, AM; Gillanders, BM; Harrison, HB; Hart, KM; Henry, L-A; Hewitt, CL; Hicks, N; Hock, K; Hyder, K; Love, M; Macreadie, PI; Miller, RJ; Montevecchi, WA; Nishimoto, MM; Page, HM; Paterson, DM; Pattiaratchi, CB; Pecl, GT; Porter, JS; Reeves, DB; Riginos, C; Rouse, S; Russell, DJF; Sherman, CDH; Teilmann, J; Todd, VLG; Treml, EA; Williamson, DH; Thums, M
2020-04-15Enhancing the Scientific Value of Industry Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs) in Our OceansMcLean, DL; Parsons, MJG; Gates, AR; Benfield, MC; Bond, T; Booth, DJ; Bunce, M; Fowler, AM; Harvey, ES; Macreadie, PI; Pattiaratchi, CB; Rouse, S; Partridge, JC; Thomson, PG; Todd, VLG; Jones, DOB
2020-02Long-term decomposition captures key steps in microbial breakdown of seagrass litter.Trevathan-Tackett, SM; Jeffries, TC; Macreadie, PI; Manojlovic, B; Ralph, P
2019-12-01Australian vegetated coastal ecosystems as global hotspots for climate change mitigationSerrano, O; Lovelock, CE; B. Atwood, T; Macreadie, PI; Canto, R; Phinn, S; Arias-Ortiz, A; Bai, L; Baldock, J; Bedulli, C; Carnell, P; Connolly, RM; Donaldson, P; Esteban, A; Ewers Lewis, CJ; Eyre, BD; Hayes, MA; Horwitz, P; Hutley, LB; Kavazos, CRJ; Kelleway, JJ; Kendrick, GA; Kilminster, K; Lafratta, A; Lee, S; Lavery, PS; Maher, DT; Marbà, N; Masque, P; Mateo, MA; Mount, R; Ralph, PJ; Roelfsema, C; Rozaimi, M; Ruhon, R; Salinas, C; Samper-Villarreal, J; Sanderman, J; J. Sanders, C; Santos, I; Sharples, C; Steven, ADL; Cannard, T; Trevathan-Tackett, SM; Duarte, CM
2019-11-01A horizon scan of priorities for coastal marine microbiome researchTrevathan-Tackett, SM; Sherman, CDH; Huggett, MJ; Campbell, AH; Laverock, B; Hurtado-McCormick, V; Seymour, JR; Firl, A; Messer, LF; Ainsworth, TD; Negandhi, KL; Daffonchio, D; Egan, S; Engelen, AH; Fusi, M; Thomas, T; Vann, L; Hernandez-Agreda, A; Gan, HM; Marzinelli, EM; Steinberg, PD; Hardtke, L; Macreadie, PI
2019-10-10Vulnerability of seagrass blue carbon to microbial attack following exposure to warming and oxygenMacreadie, PI; Atwood, TB; Seymour, JR; Fontes, MLS; Sanderman, J; Nielsen, DA; Connolly, RM
2019-09-05The future of Blue Carbon scienceMacreadie, PI; Anton, A; Raven, JA; Beaumont, N; Connolly, RM; Friess, DA; Kelleway, JJ; Kennedy, H; Kuwae, T; Lavery, PS; Lovelock, CE; Smale, DA; Apostolaki, ET; Atwood, TB; Baldock, J; Bianchi, TS; Chmura, GL; Eyre, BD; Fourqurean, JW; Hall-Spencer, JM; Huxham, M; Hendriks, IE; Krause-Jensen, D; Laffoley, D; Luisetti, T; Marba, N; Masque, P; McGlathery, KJ; Megonigal, JP; Murdiyarso, D; Russell, BD; Santos, R; Serrano, O; Silliman, BR; Watanabe, K; Duarte, CM
2019-03-25Decommissioning of offshore oil and gas structures – Environmental opportunities and challengesSommer, B; Fowler, AM; Macreadie, PI; Palandro, DA; Aziz, AC; Booth, DJ
2019-02-01Oxygen consumption and sulfate reduction in vegetated coastal habitats: Effects of physical disturbanceBrodersen, KE; Trevathan-Tackett, SM; Nielsen, DA; Connolly, RM; Lovelock, CE; Atwood, TB; Macreadie, PI
2019-01-01Bioturbator-stimulated loss of seagrass sediment carbon stocksThomson, ACG; Trevathan-Tackett, SM; Maher, DT; Ralph, PJ; Macreadie, PI
2019-01-01Global observing needs in the deep oceanLevin, LA; Bett, BJ; Gates, AR; Heimbach, P; Howe, BM; Janssen, F; McCurdy, A; Ruhl, HA; Snelgrove, P; Stocks, KI; Bailey, D; Baumann-Pickering, S; Beaverson, C; Benfield, MC; Booth, DJ; Carreiro-Silva, M; Colaço, A; Eblé, MC; Fowler, AM; Gjerde, KM; Jones, DOB; Katsumata, K; Kelley, D; Bris, NL; Leonardi, AP; Lejzerowicz, F; Macreadie, PI; McLean, D; Meitz, F; Morato, T; Netburn, A; Pawlowski, J; Smith, CR; Sun, S; Uchida, H; Vardaro, MF; Venkatesan, R; Weller, RA
2018-12-01Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the oceanFowler, AM; Jørgensen, AM; Svendsen, JC; Macreadie, PI; Jones, DOB; Boon, AR; Booth, DJ; Brabant, R; Callahan, E; Claisse, JT; Dahlgren, TG; Degraer, S; Dokken, QR; Gill, AB; Johns, DG; Leewis, RJ; Lindeboom, HJ; Linden, O; May, R; Murk, AJ; Ottersen, G; Schroeder, DM; Shastri, SM; Teilmann, J; Todd, V; Van Hoey, G; Vanaverbeke, J; Coolen, JWP
2018-09-01Eyes in the sea: Unlocking the mysteries of the ocean using industrial, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)Macreadie, PI; McLean, DL; Thomson, PG; Partridge, JC; Jones, DOB; Gates, AR; Benfield, MC; Collin, SP; Booth, DJ; Smith, LL; Techera, E; Skropeta, D; Horton, T; Pattiaratchi, C; Bond, T; Fowler, AM
2018-08-28Cryopreservation methods are effective for long-term storage of Labyrinthula culturesTrevathan-Tackett, SM; Treby, S; Gleason, FH; Macreadie, PI; Loke, S
2018-07-27The microbiology of seagrassesSeymour, JR; Laverock, B; Nielsen, DA; Trevathan-Tackett, SM; Macreadie, PI
2018-05-01Effects of small-scale, shading-induced seagrass loss on blue carbon storage: Implications for management of degraded seagrass ecosystemsTrevathan-Tackett, SM; Wessel, C; Cebrián, J; Ralph, PJ; Masqué, P; Macreadie, PI
2018-04-15Fresh carbon inputs to seagrass sediments induce variable microbial priming responsesTrevathan-Tackett, SM; Thomson, ACG; Ralph, PJ; Macreadie, PI
2018-03-01Benthic meiofaunal community response to the cascading effects of herbivory within an algal halo system of the Great Barrier ReefOllivier, QR; Hammill, E; Booth, DJ; Madin, EMP; Hinchliffe, C; Harborne, AR; Lovelock, CE; Macreadie, PI; Atwood, TB