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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-10-250.34-THz High-Temperature Superconducting Josephson-Junction Mixer with Superior Noise and Conversion Performance; Gao, X; Du, J; Zhang, T; Guo, YJ
2020004 Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Rejection Surveillance After Cardiac TransplantationAnthony, C; Imran, M; Pouliopoulos, J; Emmanuel, S; Iliff, J; Ross, J; Moffat, K; Mccrohon, J; Holloway, C; Kotlyar, E; Muthiah, K; Keogh, A; Hayward, C; Macdonald, P; Jabbour, A
2020-01-01017 A Gendered Approach to Examine Cardiovascular Disease Modifiable Risk Changes Over the Life-Course for Middle-Aged and Older Australian AdultsXu, X; Parker, D; Chang, S; Liu, G; Hall, J; Anderson, D; Inglis, S
2020063 A Case of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension in a Heart Transplant Patient, Successfully Treated With Pulmonary EndarterectomyWiltshire, S; Kearney, K; Hayward, C; Dhital, K; Kotlyar, E; Macdonald, P; Keogh, A
2019-06-211,2-dithioglycol functionalised carbon nitride quantum dots as a “turn–off” fluorescent sensor for mercury ion detectionWang, J; Cao, Y; Wang, C; Chong, H; Wang, G
2022-04-211,6;2,3-Bis-BN Cyclohexane: Synthesis, Structure, and Hydrogen Release.Dai, Y; Zhang, X; Liu, Y; Yu, H; Su, W; Zhou, J; Ye, Q; Huang, Z
2023-04-041-Benzyl-5-bromo-3-hydrazonoindolin-2-ones as Novel Anticancer Agents: Synthesis, Biological Evaluation and Molecular Modeling Insights.Al-Warhi, T; Almahli, H; Maklad, RM; Elsayed, ZM; El Hassab, MA; Alotaibi, OJ; Aljaeed, N; Ayyad, RR; Ghabour, HA; Eldehna, WM; El-Ashrey, MK
2012-10-221-bit Hamming compressed sensingZhou, T; Tao, D
2021-11-261-Bit Reconfigurable Huygens Element for Beam-Steering TransmitarraysWang, X; Qin, P-Y; Guo, YJ
20191-D Electronic Beam-Steering Partially Reflective Surface AntennaJi, L-Y; Qin, P-Y; Li, J-Y; Zhang, L-X
2014-01-011-D FDTD EM, thermal, and displacement multiphysics simulationsEyde, ZS; Ziolkowski, RW
2007-01A 1-DOF Assistive exoskeleton with virtual negative damping: Effects on the kinematic response of the lower limbsAguirre-Ollinger, G; Colgate, JE; Peshkin, M; Goswami, A; NA
2021-031-Phenylcyclohexan-1-amine hydrochloride (PCA HCl) alters mesolimbic dopamine system accompanied by neuroplastic changes: A neuropsychopharmacological evaluation in rodents.Abiero, A; Perez Custodio, RJ; Botanas, CJ; Ortiz, DM; Sayson, LV; Kim, M; Lee, HJ; Yoon, S; Lee, YS; Cheong, JH; Kim, HJ
2022-04-011-Thru Deembedding Method for One-Port Microwave Device CharacterizationWang, X; Wang, W; Liang, Y; Jin, R
2022-02-231. R. Matulionyte, J. Rawlings, N.P. Stoianoff, 2022, Australian Society for Computers and Law (AUSCL) Submission to the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications regarding Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021, 23 February 2022, 1-7.Stoianoff, N; Matulionyte, R
2023-031. Rawlings J.“Certification-ness”: distinctiveness and the intersection between certification trade marks certifying geographical origin and geographical indications for food, wine and spirits” Intellectual Property Forum, Issue No. 131 – March 2023 p50Rawlings, J
20111. Sexual and reproductive health core competencies in primary care: Attitudes, knowledge, ethics, human rights, leadership, management, teamwork, community work, education, counselling, clinical settings, service, provisionWHO
2014-09-271. Utilisation of self-prescribed complementary and alternative medicine in current hormone replacement therapy users, 2007-2010; 2. Hormone replacement therapy use in menopausal women with palpitations, 2004-2010Peng, W; Sibbritt, D; Adams, J
-1. “I am ( I and I)”, (1996), acrylic on paper, manipulated book 2. “LXZb” (2002), acrylic on hard cover book, manipulated book 3. “Adam and Eve”, (1997), oil stick on paper, manipulated book 4. “On Illustration”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) and wood 5. “Philosophy and Simulation”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) and wood 6. “Michelangelo”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) and wood 7. “Conceptual Art”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 8. “The Artists”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 9. “Isolated Houses”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 10. “Burtynsky Oil”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 11. “Creative Britain”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket) 12. “A Critical Anthology”, (2012), acrylic on paper (dust jacket)Titmarsh, M
20221.5 °C pathways for the Global Industry Classification (GICS) sectors chemicals, aluminium, and steel.Teske, S; Niklas, S; Talwar, S; Atherton, A