Browsing byAuthorRoquer, J

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-03The relevance of rich club regions for functional outcome post-stroke is enhanced in women.Bonkhoff, AK; Schirmer, MD; Bretzner, M; Hong, S; Regenhardt, RW; Donahue, KL; Nardin, MJ; Dalca, AV; Giese, A-K; Etherton, MR; Hancock, BL; Mocking, SJT; McIntosh, EC; Attia, J; Cole, JW; Donatti, A; Griessenauer, CJ; Heitsch, L; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Jimenez-Conde, J; Kittner, SJ; Lemmens, R; Levi, CR; McDonough, CW; Meschia, JF; Phuah, C-L; Ropele, S; Rosand, J; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Sousa, A; Stanne, TM; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Thijs, V; Vagal, A; Wasselius, J; Woo, D; Zand, R; McArdle, PF; Worrall, BB; Jern, C; Lindgren, AG; Maguire, J; Wu, O; Rost, NS; MRI-GENIE and GISCOME Investigators and the International Stroke Genetics Consortium,
2023Radiomics-Derived Brain Age Predicts Functional Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke.Bretzner, M; Bonkhoff, AK; Schirmer, MD; Hong, S; Dalca, A; Donahue, K; Giese, A-K; Etherton, MR; Rist, PM; Nardin, M; Regenhardt, RW; Leclerc, X; Lopes, R; Gautherot, M; Wang, C; Benavente, OR; Cole, JW; Donatti, A; Griessenauer, C; Heitsch, L; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Jimenez-Conde, J; Kittner, SJ; Lemmens, R; Levi, CR; McArdle, PF; McDonough, CW; Meschia, JF; Phuah, C-L; Rolfs, A; Ropele, S; Rosand, J; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Sousa, A; Stanne, TM; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Thijs, V; Vagal, A; Wasselius, J; Woo, D; Wu, O; Zand, R; Worrall, BB; Maguire, J; Lindgren, AG; Jern, C; Golland, P; Kuchcinski, G; Rost, NS
2022-09-27Association of Stroke Lesion Pattern and White Matter Hyperintensity Burden With Stroke Severity and Outcome.Bonkhoff, AK; Hong, S; Bretzner, M; Schirmer, MD; Regenhardt, RW; Arsava, EM; Donahue, K; Nardin, M; Dalca, A; Giese, A-K; Etherton, MR; Hancock, BL; Mocking, SJT; McIntosh, E; Attia, J; Benavente, O; Cole, JW; Donatti, A; Griessenauer, C; Heitsch, L; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Jimenez-Conde, J; Kittner, S; Lemmens, R; Levi, C; McDonough, CW; Meschia, J; Phuah, C-L; Rolfs, A; Ropele, S; Rosand, J; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Soederholm, M; Sousa, A; Stanne, TM; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Thijs, V; Vagal, A; Wasselius, J; Woo, D; Zand, R; McArdle, P; Worrall, BB; Jern, C; Lindgren, AG; Maguire, J; Golland, P; Bzdok, D; Wu, O; Rost, NS
2022-03-01L’âge cérébral radiomique prédit le pronostic fonctionnel après un avc ischémique.Bretzner, M; Bonkhoff, A; Schirmer, M; Hong, S; Dalca, A; Donahue, K; Giese, A-K; Etherton, M; Rist, P; Nardin, M; Regenhardt, R; Leclerc, X; Lopes, R; Gautherot, M; Wang, C; Benavente, O; Cole, J; Donatti, A; Griessenauer, C; Heitsch, L; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Conde, JJ; Kittner, S; Lemmens, R; Levi, C; McArdle, P; McDonough, C; Meshia, J; Phuah, C-L; Rolfs, A; Ropele, S; Rosand, J; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, R; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Sousa, A; Stanne, T; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Thijs, V; Vagala, A; Wasselius, J; Woo, D; Wu, O; Zand, R; Worrall, B; Maguire, J; Lindgren, A; Jern, C; Golland, P; Kuchcinski, G; Rost, N
2022Sex-specific lesion pattern of functional outcomes after stroke.Bonkhoff, AK; Bretzner, M; Hong, S; Schirmer, MD; Cohen, A; Regenhardt, RW; Donahue, KL; Nardin, MJ; Dalca, AV; Giese, A-K; Etherton, MR; Hancock, BL; Mocking, SJT; McIntosh, EC; Attia, J; Benavente, OR; Bevan, S; Cole, JW; Donatti, A; Griessenauer, CJ; Heitsch, L; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Jimenez-Conde, J; Kittner, SJ; Lemmens, R; Levi, CR; McDonough, CW; Meschia, JF; Phuah, C-L; Rolfs, A; Ropele, S; Rosand, J; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Söderholm, M; Sousa, A; Stanne, TM; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Thijs, V; Vagal, A; Wasselius, J; Woo, D; Zand, R; McArdle, PF; Worrall, BB; Jern, C; Lindgren, AG; Maguire, J; Fox, MD; Bzdok, D; Wu, O; Rost, NS; MRI-GENIE and GISCOME Investigators and the International Stroke Genetics Consortium,
2022Deep profiling of multiple ischemic lesions in a large, multi-center cohort: Frequency, spatial distribution, and associations to clinical characteristics.Bonkhoff, AK; Ullberg, T; Bretzner, M; Hong, S; Schirmer, MD; Regenhardt, RW; Donahue, KL; Nardin, MJ; Dalca, AV; Giese, A-K; Etherton, MR; Hancock, BL; Mocking, SJT; McIntosh, EC; Attia, J; Cole, JW; Donatti, A; Griessenauer, CJ; Heitsch, L; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Jimenez-Conde, J; Kittner, SJ; Lemmens, R; Levi, CR; McDonough, CW; Meschia, JF; Phuah, C-L; Ropele, S; Rosand, J; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Sousa, A; Stanne, TM; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Thijs, V; Vagal, A; Woo, D; Zand, R; McArdle, PF; Worrall, BB; Jern, C; Lindgren, AG; Maguire, J; Wu, O; Frid, P; Rost, NS; Wasselius, J
2021-07-12MRI Radiomic Signature of White Matter Hyperintensities Is Associated With Clinical PhenotypesBretzner, M; Bonkhoff, AK; Schirmer, MD; Hong, S; Dalca, AV; Donahue, KL; Giese, A-K; Etherton, MR; Rist, PM; Nardin, M; Marinescu, R; Wang, C; Regenhardt, RW; Leclerc, X; Lopes, R; Benavente, OR; Cole, JW; Donatti, A; Griessenauer, CJ; Heitsch, L; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Jimenez-Conde, J; Kittner, SJ; Lemmens, R; Levi, CR; McArdle, PF; McDonough, CW; Meschia, JF; Phuah, C-L; Rolfs, A; Ropele, S; Rosand, J; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Sousa, A; Stanne, TM; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Thijs, V; Vagal, A; Wasselius, J; Woo, D; Wu, O; Zand, R; Worrall, BB; Maguire, JM; Lindgren, A; Jern, C; Golland, P; Kuchcinski, G; Rost, NS
2021-06-02Outcome after acute ischemic stroke is linked to sex-specific lesion patternsBonkhoff, AK; Schirmer, MD; Bretzner, M; Hong, S; Regenhardt, RW; Brudfors, M; Donahue, KL; Nardin, MJ; Dalca, AV; Giese, A-K; Etherton, MR; Hancock, BL; Mocking, SJT; McIntosh, EC; Attia, J; Benavente, OR; Bevan, S; Cole, JW; Donatti, A; Griessenauer, CJ; Heitsch, L; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Jimenez-Conde, J; Kittner, SJ; Lemmens, R; Levi, CR; McDonough, CW; Meschia, JF; Phuah, C-L; Rolfs, A; Ropele, S; Rosand, J; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Söderholm, M; Sousa, A; Stanne, TM; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Thijs, V; Vagal, A; Wasselius, J; Woo, D; Zand, R; McArdle, PF; Worrall, BB; Jern, C; Lindgren, AG; Maguire, J; Bzdok, D; Wu, O; Rost, NS
2021-01Excessive White Matter Hyperintensity Increases Susceptibility to Poor Functional Outcomes After Acute Ischemic Stroke.Hong, S; Giese, A-K; Schirmer, MD; Bonkhoff, AK; Bretzner, M; Rist, P; Dalca, AV; Regenhardt, RW; Etherton, MR; Donahue, KL; Nardin, M; Mocking, SJT; McIntosh, EC; Attia, J; Benavente, OR; Cole, JW; Donatti, A; Griessenauer, CJ; Heitsch, L; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Jimenez-Conde, J; Roquer, J; Kittner, SJ; Lemmens, R; Levi, CR; McDonough, CW; Meschia, JF; Phuah, C-L; Rolfs, A; Ropele, S; Rosand, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Enzinger, C; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Sousa, A; Stanne, TM; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Thijs, V; Vagal, A; Wasselius, J; Woo, D; Zand, R; McArdle, PF; Worrall, BB; Wu, O; Jern, C; Lindgren, AG; Maguire, J; Tomppo, L; Golland, P; Rost, NS; MRI-GENIE and GISCOME Investigators and the International Stroke Genetics Consortium,
2020-05Brain Volume: An Important Determinant of Functional Outcome After Acute Ischemic Stroke.Schirmer, MD; Donahue, KL; Nardin, MJ; Dalca, AV; Giese, A-K; Etherton, MR; Mocking, SJT; McIntosh, EC; Cole, JW; Holmegaard, L; Jood, K; Jimenez-Conde, J; Kittner, SJ; Lemmens, R; Meschia, JF; Rosand, J; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Stanne, TM; Vagal, A; Wasselius, J; Woo, D; Bevan, S; Heitsch, L; Phuah, C-L; Strbian, D; Tatlisumak, T; Levi, CR; Attia, J; McArdle, PF; Worrall, BB; Wu, O; Jern, C; Lindgren, A; Maguire, J; Thijs, V; Rost, NS; MRI-GENIE and GISCOME Investigators and the International Stroke Genetics Consortium
2019-07-01Big Data Approaches to Phenotyping Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Automated Lesion Segmentation of Multi-Center Magnetic Resonance Imaging DataWu, O; Winzeck, S; Giese, AK; Hancock, BL; Etherton, MR; Bouts, MJRJ; Donahue, K; Schirmer, MD; Irie, RE; Mocking, SJT; McIntosh, EC; Bezerra, R; Kamnitsas, K; Frid, P; Wasselius, J; Cole, JW; Xu, H; Holmegaard, L; Jiménez-Conde, J; Lemmens, R; Lorentzen, E; McArdle, PF; Meschia, JF; Roquer, J; Rundek, T; Sacco, RL; Schmidt, R; Sharma, P; Slowik, A; Stanne, TM; Thijs, V; Vagal, A; Woo, D; Bevan, S; Kittner, SJ; Mitchell, BD; Rosand, J; Worrall, BB; Jern, C; Lindgren, AG; Maguire, J; Rost, NS
2019-04-01Association of Apolipoprotein E With Intracerebral Hemorrhage Risk by Race/Ethnicity A Meta-analysisMarini, S; Crawford, K; Morotti, A; Lee, MJ; Pezzini, A; Moomaw, CJ; Flaherty, ML; Montaner, J; Roquer, J; Jimenez-Conde, J; Giralt-Steinhauer, E; Elosua, R; Cuadrado-Godia, E; Soriano-Tarraga, C; Slowik, A; Jagiella, JM; Pera, J; Urbanik, A; Pichler, A; Hansen, BM; McCauley, JL; Tirschwell, DL; Selim, M; Brown, DL; Silliman, SL; Worrall, BB; Meschia, JF; Kidwell, CS; Testai, FD; Kittner, SJ; Schmidt, H; Enzinger, C; Deary, LJ; Rannikmae, K; Samarasekera, N; Salman, RA-S; Sudlow, CL; Klijn, CJM; van Nieuwenhuizen, KM; Fernandez-Cadenas, I; Delgado, P; Nonving, B; Lindgren, A; Goldstein, JN; Viswanathan, A; Greenberg, SM; Falcone, GJ; Biffi, A; Langefeld, CD; Woo, D; Rosand, J; Anderson, CD; Smoller, S; Sorkin, J; Wang, X; Pikula, A; Wolf, P; Debette, S; Seshadri, S; de Bakker, P; Chasman, D; Rexrode, K; Chen, I; Rotter, J; Luke, M; Sale, M; Lee, T-H; Chang, K-C; Elkind, M; Goldstein, L; James, ML; Breteler, M; O'Donnell, C; Leys, D; Carty, C; Kidwell, C; Olesen, J; Sharma, P; Rich, S; Tatlisumak, T; Happola, O; Bijlenga, P; Soriano, C; Giralt, E; Cotlarcius, L; Hardy, J; Korostynski, M; Boncoraglio, G; Ballabio, E; Parati, E; Mateusz, A; Dziedzic, T; Jagiella, J; Gasowski, J; Wnuk, M; Olszanecki, R; Juchniewicz, KJ; Levi, C; Nyquist, P; Cendes, I; Cabral, N; Franca, P; Goncalves, A; Keller, L; Crisby, M; Kostulas, K; Lennnnens, R; Ahmadi, K; Opherk, C; Duering, M; Dichgans, M; Malik, R; Gonik, M; Staals, J; Melander, O; Burri, P; Sadr-Nabavi, A; Romero, J; Anderson, C; Falcone, G; Brouwers, B; Rost, N; Du, R; Kourkoulis, C; Battey, T; Lubitz, S; Mueller-Myhsok, B; Meschia, J; Brott, T; Pare, G; Schmidt, R; Seiler, S; Blanton, S; Yamada, Y; Bersano, A; Rundek, T; Sacco, R; Chan, Y-FY; Gschwendtner, A; Deng, Z; Barr, T; Gwinn, K; Corriveau, R; Singleton, A; Waddy, S; Launer, L; Chen, C; Le, KE; Lee, WL; Tan, EK; Olugbodi, A; Rothwell, P; Schilling, S; Mok, V; Lebedeva, E; Jem, C; Jood, K; Olsson, S; Kim, H; Lee, C; Kilarski, L; Markus, H; Peycke, J; Bevan, S; Sheu, W; Chiou, HY; Chern, J; Giraldo, E; Taqi, M; Jain, V; Lam, O; Howard, G; Kittner, S; Mitchell, B; Cole, J; O'Connell, J; Milewicz, D; Illoh, K; Worrall, B; Stine, C; Karaszewski, B; Werring, D; Sofat, R; Smalley, J; Hansen, B; Norrving, B; Smith, G; Martin, JJ; Thijs, V; Klijn, K; van't Hof, F; Algra, A; Macleod, M; Perry, R; Arnett, D; Padovani, A; Cramer, S; Fisher, M; Saleheen, D; Broderick, J; Kissela, B; Doney, A; Sudlow, C; Silliman, S; McDonough, C; Walters, M; Pedersen, A; Nakagawa, K; Chang, C; Dobbins, M; McArdle, P; Chang, Y-C; Brown, R; Brown, D; Holliday, E; Kalaria, R; Maguire, J; Hunter, J; Attia, J; Farrall, M; Giese, A-K; Fomage, M; Majersik, J; Cushman, M; Keene, K; Bennett, S; Tirschwell, D; Psaty, B; Reiner, A; Longstreth, W; Spence, D; Langefeld, C; Bushnell, C; Heitsch, L; Lee, J-M; Sheth, K
2019-01-04PATJ Low Frequency Variants Are Associated with Worse Ischemic Stroke Functional Outcome: A Genome-Wide Meta-AnalysisMola-Caminal, M; Carrera, C; Soriano-Tárraga, C; Giralt-Steinhauer, E; Díaz-Navarro, RM; Tur, S; Jiménez, C; Medina-Dols, A; Cullell, N; Torres-Aguila, NP; Muiño, E; Rodríguez-Campello, A; Ois, A; Cuadrado-Godia, E; Vivanco-Hidalgo, RM; Hernandez-Guillamon, M; Solé, M; Delgado, P; Bustamante, A; García-Berrocoso, T; Mendióroz, M; Castellanos, M; Serena, J; Martí-Fàbregas, J; Segura, T; Serrano-Heras, G; Obach, V; Ribó, M; Molina, CA; Alvarez-Sabín, J; Palomeras, E; Freijo, M; Font, MA; Rosand, J; Rost, NS; Gallego-Fabrega, C; Lee, JM; Heitsch, L; Ibanez, L; Cruchaga, C; Phuah, CL; Lemmens, R; Thijs, V; Lindgren, A; Maguire, J; Rannikmae, K; Sudlow, CL; Jern, C; Stanne, TM; Lorentzen, E; Muñoz-Narbona, L; Dávalos, A; López-Cancio, E; Worrall, BB; Woo, D; Kittner, SJ; Mitchell, BD; Montaner, J; Roquer, J; Krupinski, J; Estivill, X; Rabionet, R; Vives-Bauzá, C; Fernández-Cadenas, I; Jimenez-Conde, J
2015-01-01Recommendations from the international stroke genetics consortium, part 1: Standardized phenotypic data collectionMajersik, JJ; Cole, JW; Golledge, J; Rost, NS; Chan, YFY; Gurol, ME; Lindgren, AG; Woo, D; Fernandez-Cadenas, I; Chen, DT; Thijs, V; Worrall, BB; Kamal, A; Bentley, P; Wardlaw, JM; Ruigrok, YM; Battey, TWK; Schmidt, R; Montaner, J; Giese, AK; Roquer, J; Jiménez-Conde, J; Lee, C; Ay, H; Martin, JJ; Rosand, J; Maguire, J