Browsing byAuthorAlexander, I

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Showing results 1 to 18 of 18
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-07-02A Game Map: Object of Copyright and Form of Authority in Eighteenth-Century BritainAlexander, I; Martinez, CS
2014-09-02Addressing Copyright Infringement Online Through Secondary Liability and Website Blocking: A Submission to the Australian GovernmentAlexander, I; Burrell, R; Handler, M; Hudson, E; Weatherall, KG
2022-11-07Cook and the (Literary) PiratesAlexander, I; Leeming, M
2023-07-13Copyright and Cartography History, Law, and the Circulation of Geographical KnowledgeAlexander, I
2020-10-21Copyright and the Circulation of Geographical Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century BritainAlexander, I; Ferlier, L; Miyamoto, B
2023-09-21Copyright, Nature, and Travel Narratives: Publishing Cook's VoyagesAlexander, I; Bellido, J; Sherman, B
2018-03-08The copyright/design interface in AustraliaAlexander, I
2016-03-25Determining infringement in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in Britain: 'A ticklish job'Alexander, IJ; Alexander, I; Gomez-Arostegui, HT
2010-01-01The genius and the labourer: Authorship in eighteenth and nineteenth-century copyright lawAlexander, I
2010-01-01Inspiration or infringement: The plagiarist in courtAlexander, I
2021-09-08Leaders and Litigants: Looking for Women in Copyright CasesAlexander, I; Handler, M; Bowrey, K
2015-01-01The Legal Journey of Paterson’s RoadsAlexander, I
2024-05-08Making a Meme Out of Copyright: Using Memes to Teach Copyright LawAlexander, I; Twemlow, J
2017-01-01Rights in geospatial information: A shifting legal terrainAlexander, I; Jankowska, M
2024Sketching Moral RightsAlexander, I; Grant, P; Wilkinson, G; Wright, E
2016-06-03Submission in Response to the Australian Productivity Commission's Inquiry into IP Arrangements Draft ReportAlexander, I; Bond, C; Bowrey, K; Burrell, R; Handler, M; Greenleaf, G; Nicol, D; Nielsen, JL; Weatherall, KG
2020-01-31The Challenges of Intellectual Property Legal History ResearchAlexander, I; Austin, GW; Christie, AF; Kenyon, AT; Richardson, M
2021-10-01The First Copyright Case under the 1735 Engravings Act: The Germination of Visual Copyright?Alexander, I; Martinez, CS; Delamaire, M-S; Slauter, W