Browsing byAuthorBiros, E

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2012-10-01Common variants at 6p21.1 are associated with large artery atherosclerotic strokeHolliday, EG; Maguire, JM; Evans, TJ; Koblar, SA; Jannes, J; Sturm, JW; Hankey, GJ; Baker, R; Golledge, J; Parsons, MW; Malik, R; McEvoy, M; Biros, E; Lewis, MD; Lincz, LF; Peel, R; Oldmeadow, C; Smith, W; Moscato, P; Barlera, S; Bevan, S; Bis, JC; Boerwinkle, E; Boncoraglio, GB; Brott, TG; Brown, RD; Cheng, YC; Cole, JW; Cotlarciuc, I; Devan, WJ; Fornage, M; Furie, KL; Grétarsdóttir, S; Gschwendtner, A; Ikram, MA; Longstreth, WT; Meschia, JF; Mitchell, BD; Mosley, TH; Nalls, MA; Parati, EA; Psaty, BM; Sharma, P; Stefansson, K; Thorleifsson, G; Thorsteinsdottir, U; Traylor, M; Verhaaren, BFJ; Wiggins, KL; Worrall, BB; Sudlow, C; Rothwell, PM; Farrall, M; Dichgans, M; Rosand, J; Markus, HS; Scott, RJ; Levi, C; Attia, J
2024-08-17Shaping the future of kidney genetics in Australia: proceedings from the KidGen policy implementation workshop 2023.Mallawaarachchi, A; Biros, E; Harris, T; Bennetts, B; Boughtwood, T; Elliott, J; Fowles, L; Gardos, R; Garza, D; Goranitis, I; Haas, M; Huntley, V; Jefferis, J; Kassahn, K; Leaver, A; Lundie, B; Lunke, S; O'Connor, C; Pratt, G; Quinlan, C; Shearman, D; Soraru, J; Sundaram, M; Tchan, M; Valente, G; White, J; Wilkins, E; Alexander, SI; Amir, N; Best, S; Gul, H; Jayasinghe, K; McCarthy, H; Patel, C; Stark, Z; Mallett, AJ
2017-12-01Upregulation of arylsulfatase B in carotid atherosclerosis is associated with symptoms of cerebral embolizationBiros, E; Moran, CS; Maguire, J; Holliday, E; Levi, C; Golledge, J