Browsing byAuthorHughes, C

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Advancing Delirium Treatment Trials in Older Adults: Recommendations for Future Trials From the Network for Investigation of Delirium: Unifying Scientists (NIDUS)Devlin, JW; Sieber, F; Akeju, O; Khan, BA; MacLullich, AMJ; Marcantonio, ER; Oh, ES; Agar, MR; Avelino-Silva, TJ; Berger, M; Burry, L; Colantuoni, EA; Evered, LA; Girard, TD; Han, JH; Hosie, A; Hughes, C; Jones, RN; Pandharipande, PP; Subramanian, B; Travison, TG; van den Boogaard, M; Inouye, SK
2021-06-16Communicating with patients and the public about COVID‐19 vaccine safety: recommendations from the Collaboration on Social Science and ImmunisationLeask, J; Carlson, SJ; Attwell, K; Clark, KK; Kaufman, J; Hughes, C; Frawley, J; Cashman, P; Seal, H; Wiley, K; Bolsewicz, K; Steffens, M; Danchin, MH
2021-01-01Emotionally reflexive labour in end-of-life communication.Olson, RE; Smith, A; Good, P; Neate, E; Hughes, C; Hardy, J
2000The facilitative role of workplace supervisorsHughes, C
2023-11-20Ocean acidification reduces iodide production by the marine diatom Chaetoceros sp. (CCMP 1690)Bey, E; Hughes, C; Hogg, K; Chance, R; Petrou, K
2011-10-11Strengthening organizational performance through accreditation research-a framework for twelve interrelated studies: The ACCREDIT project study protocolBraithwaite, J; Westbrook, J; Johnston, B; Clark, S; Brandon, M; Banks, M; Hughes, C; Greenfield, D; Pawsey, M; Corbett, A; Georgiou, A; Callen, J; Vretveit, J; Pope, C; Sũol, R; Shaw, C; Debono, D; Westbrook, M; Hinchcliff, R; Moldovan, M