Browsing byAuthorLeaver, A

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Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020-01-01Erratum to “The features and burden of headaches within a chiropractic clinical population: A cross-sectional analysis” (Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2020) 48, (S0965229919315523), (10.1016/j.ctim.2019.102276))Moore, C; Leaver, A; Sibbritt, D; Adams, J
2021-08-16Introducing the Collaborative Australian Physiotherapy Research Initiative (CAPRI) projectMehta, P; Leaver, A; Sibbritt, D; Adams, J; Jones, T; Verhagen, A
2018-10-17The management of common recurrent headaches by chiropractors: A descriptive analysis of a nationally representative surveyMoore, C; Leaver, A; Sibbritt, D; Adams, J
2019-08-06Prevalence and factors associated with the use of primary headache diagnostic criteria by chiropractorsMoore, C; Leaver, A; Sibbritt, D; Adams, J
2024-08-17Shaping the future of kidney genetics in Australia: proceedings from the KidGen policy implementation workshop 2023.Mallawaarachchi, A; Biros, E; Harris, T; Bennetts, B; Boughtwood, T; Elliott, J; Fowles, L; Gardos, R; Garza, D; Goranitis, I; Haas, M; Huntley, V; Jefferis, J; Kassahn, K; Leaver, A; Lundie, B; Lunke, S; O'Connor, C; Pratt, G; Quinlan, C; Shearman, D; Soraru, J; Sundaram, M; Tchan, M; Valente, G; White, J; Wilkins, E; Alexander, SI; Amir, N; Best, S; Gul, H; Jayasinghe, K; McCarthy, H; Patel, C; Stark, Z; Mallett, AJ
2020-01The features and burden of headaches within a chiropractic clinical population: A cross-sectional analysis.Moore, C; Leaver, A; Sibbritt, D; Adams, J
2017-12-04The treatment of migraine patients within chiropractic: Analysis of a nationally representative survey of 1869 chiropractorsMoore, C; Adams, J; Leaver, A; Lauche, R; Sibbritt, D