Browsing byAuthorNolan, D

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008-01Belonging and exclusion: a study of older residents in a manufactured home village in SydneyMorris, A; Majoribanks, T; Barraket, J; Chang, JS; Dawson, A; Guillemin, M; Henry-Waring, M; Kenyon, A; Kokanovic, R; Lewis, J; Lusher, D; Nolan, D; Pyett, P; Robins, R; Warr, D; Wyn, J; Eds
-“It’s Trauma on a Deadline”: Change, Continuity and Harm After the “Racial Reckoning”Thomas, A; Nolan, D
2015-04-10Temporal trends of time to antiretroviral treatment initiation, interruption and modification: Examination of patients diagnosed with advanced HIV in AustraliaWright, ST; Law, MG; Cooper, DA; Keen, P; McDonald, A; Middleton, M; Woolley, I; Kelly, M; Petoumenos, K; Ellis, D; Bloch, M; Agrawal, S; Vincent, T; Allen, D; Little, JL; Smith, D; Mincham, C; Baker, D; Ieroklis, V; Templeton, DJ; O'Connor, CC; Phan, S; Jackson, E; McCallum, K; Grotowski, M; Taylor, S; Carr, A; Lee, F; Hesse, K; Sinn, K; Norris, R; Finlayson, R; Prone, I; Patel, A; Varma, R; Shakeshaft, J; Brown, K; McGrath, V; Halligan, S; Wray, L; Read, P; Lu, H; Couldwell, D; Furner, V; Fernando, S; Chuah, J; Watson, J; Lawrence, C; Mulhall, B; McManus, H; Bendall, C; Boyd, M; Ryder, N; Payne, R; Russell, D; Doyle-Adams, S; Sowden, D; Taing, K; McGill, K; Orth, D; Youds, D; Gibson, A; Magon, H; Dickson, B; Donohue, W; Moore, R; Edwards, S; Liddle, R; Locke, P; Roth, NJ; Lau, H; Read, T; Silvers, J; Zeng, W; Hoy, J; Watson, K; Bryant, M; Price, S; Giles, M; Williams, J; Nolan, D; Robinson, J; Morwood, K; Roth, N; Choong, K; Li, PCK; Lee, MP; Vanar, S; Faridah, S; Kamarulzaman, A; Choi, JY; Vannary, B; Ditangco, R; Tsukada, K; Pujari, S; Makane, A; Ng, OT; Sasisopin, AJ