Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2023-09 | An analysis of the global diversity of midwifery pre-service education pathways. | Neal, S; Nove, A; Bar-Zeev, S; Pairman, S; Ryan, E; Ten Hoope-Bender, P; Homer, CS |
2018-01-01 | The development of a global Midwifery Education Accreditation Programme | Nove, A; Pairman, S; Bohle, LF; Garg, S; Moyo, NT; Michel-Schuldt, M; Hoffmann, A; Castro, G |
2022-11-09 | Diverse pre-service midwifery education pathways in Cambodia and Malawi: A qualitative study utilising a midwifery education pathway conceptual framework. | Neal, S; Bokosi, M; Lazaro, D; Vong, S; Nove, A; Bar-Zeev, S; Pairman, S; Ryan, E; Hoope-Bender, PT; Homer, CS |
2023 | Exploring networks of care in implementing midwife-led birthing centres in low- and middle-income countries: A scoping review. | Turkmani, S; Nove, A; Bazirete, O; Hughes, K; Pairman, S; Callander, E; Scarf, V; Forrester, M; Mandke, S; Homer, CSE; McCall, SJ |
2024-10 | Harnessing partnerships to strengthen global midwifery education to improve quality maternal and newborn health care: The Alliance to Improve Midwifery Education (AIME). | Bar-Zeev, S; Shikuku, D; Homer, C; Smith, R; Hardtman, P; Lal, G; Stalls, S; Masuda, C; Copeland, F; Ugglas, AA; Pairman, S; Hailegebriel, TD; Ameh, C |
2024-03-28 | Midwife-led birthing centres in Bangladesh, Pakistan and Uganda: an economic evaluation of case study sites. | Callander, EJ; Scarf, V; Nove, A; Homer, C; Carrandi, A; Abdullah, AS; Clow, S; Halim, A; Mbalinda, SN; Nabirye, RC; Rahman, AF; Rasheed, SI; Turk, AM; Bazirete, O; Turkmani, S; Forrester, M; Mandke, S; Pairman, S; Boyce, M |
2023-10-17 | Midwife-led birthing centres in four countries: a case study. | Bazirete, O; Hughes, K; Lopes, SC; Turkmani, S; Abdullah, AS; Ayaz, T; Clow, SE; Epuitai, J; Halim, A; Khawaja, Z; Mbalinda, SN; Minnie, K; Nabirye, RC; Naveed, R; Nawagi, F; Rahman, F; Rasheed, SI; Rehman, H; Nove, A; Forrester, M; Mandke, S; Pairman, S; Homer, CSE |
2022 | Midwives speaking out on COVID-19: The international confederation of midwives global survey. | Hartz, DL; Tracy, SK; Pairman, S; Yates, A; Renard, C; Brodie, P; Kildea, S |
2010-01 | Midwives working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women | Sherwood, J; Pairman, S; Tracy, S; Thorogood, C; Pincombe, J |
2011-06-01 | Planned Place of Birth in New Zealand: Does it Affect Mode of Birth and Intervention Rates Among Low-Risk Women? | Davis, D; Baddock, S; Pairman, S; Hunter, M; Benn, C; Wilson, D; Dixon, L; Herbison, P |
2012-06-01 | Risk of Severe Postpartum Hemorrhage in Low-Risk Childbearing Women in New Zealand: Exploring the Effect of Place of Birth and Comparing Third Stage Management of Labor | Davis, D; Baddock, S; Pairman, S; Hunter, M; Benn, C; Anderson, J; Dixon, L; Herbison, P |
2023-08 | Which low- and middle-income countries have midwife-led birthing centres and what are the main characteristics of these centres? A scoping review and scoping survey. | Nove, A; Bazirete, O; Hughes, K; Turkmani, S; Callander, E; Scarf, V; Forrester, M; Mandke, S; Pairman, S; Homer, CS |
2005 | Workforce to profession : an exploration of New Zealand Midwifery's professionalising strategies from 1986 to 2005 | Pairman, S |