Browsing byAuthorSato, Y

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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016-01-01The metagenomics and metadesign of the subways and Urban biomes (MetaSUB) international consortium inaugural meeting reportAfshinnekoo, E; Ahsanuddin, S; Ghedin, E; Read, T; Fraser, C; Dudley, J; Bowler, C; Mason, CE; Chernomoretz, A; Stolovitzky, G; Łabaj, PP; Graf, AB; Darling, A; Burke, C; Noushmehr, H; Dias-Neto, E; Guo, Y; Xie, Z; Lee, PKH; Shi, L; Ruiz-Perez, CA; Zambrano, MM; Siam, R; Ouf, A; Richard, H; Lafontaine, I; Wieler, LH; Semmler, T; Prithiviraj, B; Nedunuri, N; Mehr, S; Banihashemi, K; Lista, F; Anselmo, A; Suzuki, H; Kuroda, M; Yamashita, R; Sato, Y; Kaminuma, E; Aranda, CMA; Martinez, J; Dada, C; Dybwad, M; Oliveira, M; Schuster, S; Siwo, GH; Jang, S; Seo, SC; Hwang, SH; Ossowski, S; Bezdan, D; Chaker, S; Chatziefthimiou, AD; Udekwu, K; Liungdahl, P; Sezerman, U; Meydan, C; Elhaik, E; Gonnet, G; Schriml, LM; Mongodin, E; Huttenhower, C; Gilbert, J; Eisen, J; Hirschberg, D; Hernandez, M; McGrath, K; McGrath, L; Gray, A; Osuolale, O; Segata, N; Fillo, S; Iraola, G; Zhou, Y; Chang, Y; Li, Y; Zhend, Y; Hou, W; Ramirez, A; Cepeda, M; Desnues, C; Rascovan, N; Baron, C; Nagarajan, N; Ercolini, D; Menary, W; Tighe, S; Donia, M; Levy, S; Benito, J; Jones, A; Kasarskis, A; Maritz, J; Jorgensen, E; Neches, R; Livelli, T; Barnetche, JM; Pasolli, E; Greenfield, N; Hasan, N
2024-01Multi-peak Solutions of a Class of Fractional <i>p</i>-Laplacian EquationsChang, X; Sato, Y; Zhang, C
2017-12-30Shear capacity of high performance fiber reinforced concrete I-beamsPansuk, W; Nguyen, TN; Sato, Y; Den Uijl, JA; Walraven, JC