Browsing byAuthorTuft, K

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-01-01Bait preference for remote camera trap studies of the endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus)Austin, C; Tuft, K; Ramp, D; Cremona, T; Webb, JK
2023-03Designing a large-scale track-based monitoring program to detect changes in species distributions in arid Australia.Southwell, D; Skroblin, A; Moseby, K; Southgate, R; Indigo, N; Backhouse, B; Bellchambers, K; Brandle, R; Brenton, P; Copley, P; Dziminski, MA; Galindez-Silva, C; Lynch, C; Newman, P; Pedler, R; Rogers, D; Roshier, DA; Ryan-Colton, E; Tuft, K; Ward, M; Zurell, D; Legge, S
2016The significance of topographic complexity in habitat selection and persistence of a declining marsupial in the Kimberley region of Western AustraliaHohnen, R; Tuft, K; Legge, S; Walters, N; Johanson, L; Carver, S; Radford, IJ; Johnson, CN
2015-01-28Stemming the tide: progress towards resolving the causes of decline and implementing management responses for the disappearing mammal fauna of northern AustraliaZiembicki, MR; Woinarski, JCZ; Webb, JK; Vanderduys, E; Tuft, K; Smith, J; Ritchie, EG; Reardon, TB; Radford, IJ; Preece, N; Perry, J; Murphy, BP; McGregor, H; Legge, S; Leahy, L; Lawes, MJ; Kanowski, J; Johnson, CN; James, A; Griffiths, AD; Gillespie, G; Frank, ASK; Fisher, A; Burbidge, AA
2024-09-11The Arid Zone Monitoring Project: combining Indigenous ecological expertise with scientific data analysis to assess the potential of using sign-based surveys to monitor vertebrates in the Australian desertsLegge, S; Indigo, N; Southwell, DM; Skroblin, A; Nou, T; Young, AR; Dielenberg, J; Wilkinson, DP; Brizuela-Torres, D; Yankunytjatjara, AP; Rangers, B; Backhouse, B; Silva, CG; Arkinstall, C; Lynch, C; Rangers, CLC; Curnow, CL; Rogers, DJ; Moore, D; Ryan-Colton, E; Benshemesh, J; Schofield, J; Jukurrpa, K; Rangers, K; Moseby, K; Tuft, K; Bellchambers, K; Bradley, K; Webeck, K; Rangers, K; Tait, L; Lindsay, M; Dziminski, M; Rangers, NW; Rangers, NC; Rangers, N; Jackett, N; Rangers, N; Rangers, NM; Copley, P; Paltridge, R; Pedler, RD; Southgate, R; Brandle, R; van Leeuwen, S; Partridge, T; Newsome, TM; Rangers, WM; Managers, YC