Rapid Prototyping and Validation of Mars 0913 Brushless Motor to Develop Mild HEV

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
2015 China Automotive Engineering Society Annual Conference Proceedings, 2015, 1 pp. 92 - 98 (7)
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TMC2015_Rapid Prototyping BLDC_Awadallah.pdfAccepted Manuscript version1.27 MB
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We discuss a mild hybrid powertrain based on a solution placing a small electric motor behind the first reduction drive. The electric motor may be used for power supplementation, and is controlled in both power and regeneration. However the primary use of the motor is for torque-hole fill-in in an AMT-equipped powertrain. The motor is controlled to reduce clutch slip, and provide torque fill-in during gear changes. This paper will describe the real-time control and the validation of Mars 0913 BLDC motor. This validation process involves specific implementation techniques for model processing and interfaces in real-time with electrical hardware functionality. The tools and interfaces necessary to that validation are also presented, and include KHB 12601 BLDC Kelly Control-ler, dSPACE MicroAutoBox II, for hybrid vehicle applications. This will include a design processes for handling real-time control using Simulink, DSPACE RTI & Control Desk environment and finally, the validation based on Dynamometer test-ing to get all performance data of BLDC motor and mechanical parts as designed by us. This paper is based on the technique of Rapid Controller Prototyping (RCP). It is an efficient method for solving motor control problems such as ours. During this design, we connect the universal controller (MicroAutoBox) to the KHB Controller. All interface signals are configured and then the two controllers are connected by Relays and CAN line according to the specifications of the real system.
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