Recent advances in video-based human action recognition using deep learning: A review

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2017, 2017-May pp. 2865 - 2872
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© 2017 IEEE. Video-based human action recognition has become one of the most popular research areas in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition in recent years. It has a wide variety of applications such as surveillance, robotics, health care, video searching and human-computer interaction. There are many challenges involved in human action recognition in videos, such as cluttered backgrounds, occlusions, viewpoint variation, execution rate, and camera motion. A large number of techniques have been proposed to address the challenges over the decades. Three different types of datasets namely, single viewpoint, multiple viewpoint and RGB-depth videos, are used for research. This paper presents a review of various state-of-the-art deep learning-based techniques proposed for human action recognition on the three types of datasets. In light of the growing popularity and the recent developments in video-based human action recognition, this review imparts details of current trends and potential directions for future work to assist researchers.
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