Artefact ‘scripts’ and the performer-developer

Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Website Proceedings of the Practice-Based Research Workshop at NIME’14, 2014, pp. 1 - 4
Issue Date:
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This paper presents an approach to practice-based research in the NIME field focused upon self-reflective practice in a creative-production research project. The author’s practicebased doctoral research is used as a case study to examine the research approach in the context of performer-developer devised technological artefacts. Drawing upon actor-network theory, and in particular Akrich and Latour’s notion of the ‘script’, the emergent findings of the author’s research are situated within the context of theoretical constructs common in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS). Particular attention is given to the dual role of the performer-developer in such contexts, questioning the relationship between design and use from this unique perspective.
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