Mining exceptional activity patterns in microstructure data

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Conference Proceeding
Proceedings - 2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, WI 2008, 2008, pp. 884 - 887
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Market Surveillance plays an important role in maintaining market integrity, transparency and fairnesss. The existing trading pattern analysis only focuses on interday data which discloses explicit and high-level market dynamics. In the mean time, the existing market surveillance systems are facing challenges of misuse, mis-disclosure and misdealing of information, announcement and order in one market or crossing multiple markets. Therefore, there is a crucial need to develop workable methods for smart surveillance. To deal with such issues, we propose an innovative methodology - microstructure activity pattern analysis. Based on this methodology, a case study in identifying exceptional microstructure activity patterns is carried out. The experiments on real-life stock data show that microstructure activity pattern analysis opens a new and effective means for crucially understanding and analysing market dynamics. The resulting findings such as exceptional microstructure activity patterns can greatly enhance the learning, detection, adaption and decision-making capability of market surveillance. © 2008 IEEE.
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