Two dimensional simulation in urban areas

Engineers Australia
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of H2009 the 32nd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, 2009, pp. 430 - 438
Issue Date:
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A number of areas associated with current practices for floodplain modelling have been highlighted during the revision of ARR as requiring further investigation. One of these areas and hence the reason for one of the revision projects is the need for guidance on 2D modelling in urban areas. This need for guidance has increased as 2D models have become the tool of choice for prediction of flood behaviour within urban floodplains throughout Australia. These 2D models also are being used to simulate rainfall-runoff processes that traditionally have been modelled using conceptual lumped storage rainfall-runoff routing models. The revision project implemented to satisfy this need adopted a non-traditional approach. Instead of inviting a small group of authors to write the project report, a team of authors that represented model suppliers, experienced users, academics and clients from across Australia was assembled. The team used an online wiki tool to develop content collaboratively. Outlined in this paper are the process, experiences learned and details of the final report arising from this project.
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