Assessment of the composite action in timber stressed-skin panels

Engineers Australia
Publication Type:
Conference Proceeding
Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics (ACAM 2007), 2007, pp. 184 - 189
Issue Date:
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2008008645OK.pdf1.62 MB
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In 2002 a large-scale investigation on timber stressed-skin panel (SSP) decks commenced at the University of Technology, Sydney. 27 full-scale specimens, manufactured according to Australian practices in timber construction, were investigated under bending conditions with various load configurations - series of non-destructive and destructive tests. The tests also considered the effects of boundary conditions such as blocking and the influence of defects. The scope of the test analysis included identifying the serviceability behaviour, the load distribution and the composite properties of SSP structures. This paper focuses on the composite action in SSP systems, which is assessed by analysing the profile of the strain distribution in the composite section. The evaluation of two mathematical methods used to estimate the section characteristics of the SSP specimens are also presented in this paper.
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