Modeling sound propagation in acoustic waveguides using a hybrid numerical method

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2008, 124 (4), pp. 1930 - 1940
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Sound propagation in an acoustic waveguide is examined using a hybrid numerical technique. Here, the waveguide is assumed to be infinite in length with an arbitrary but uniform cross section. Placed centrally within the guide is a short component section with an irregular nonuniform shape. The hybrid method utilizes a wave based modal solution for a uniform section of the guide and, using either a mode matching or point collocation approach, matches this to a standard finite element based solution for the component section. Thus, one needs only to generate a transverse finite element mesh in uniform sections of the waveguide and this significantly reduces the number of degrees of freedom required. Moreover, utilizing a wave based solution removes the need to numerically enforce a nonreflecting boundary condition at infinity using a necessarily finite mesh, which is often encountered in studies that use only the standard finite element method. Accordingly, the component transmission loss may readily be computed and predictions are presented here for three examples: an expansion chamber, a converging-diverging duct, and a circular cylinder. Good agreement with analytic models is observed, and transmission loss predictions are also presented for multimode incident and transmitted sound fields. © 2008 Acoustical Society of America.
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