The challenges for collaborative lawyers in providing CP processes

LexisNexis Australia
Publication Type:
Journal Article
Australian Journal of Family Law, 2017, 31 pp. 27 - 46
Issue Date:
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This article reports on research examining the delivery of Collaborative Practice (‘CP’) services in family law. Challenges experienced in the provision of CP a decade after the introduction of collaborative law into the Australian legal system were identified. The data reported can inform the design and delivery of this model of problem-solving for efficient and effective collaborative law service provision in both regional and metropolitan areas. The study investigated the experiences of private CP service providers in a major regional city in Queensland and in metropolitan Sydney NSW. The research found that having a practice group for the collaborative practitioners was a key factor in maintaining the provision of CP within a community. While clear opportunities were found for establishing CP there are also obstacles yet to be overcome. These challenges are the focus of this article and where applicable the differences that exist in practice between locations are highlighted.
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