Downlink resource allocation for next generation wireless networks with inter-cell interference

Publication Type:
Journal Article
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2013, 12 (4), pp. 1783 - 1793
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This paper presents a novel downlink resource allocation scheme for OFDMA-based next generation wireless networks subject to inter-cell interference (ICI). The scheme consists of radio resource and power allocations, which are implemented separately. Low-complexity heuristic algorithms are first proposed to achieve the radio resource allocation, where graph-based framework and fine physical resource block (PRB) assignment are performed to mitigate major ICI and hence improve the network performance. Given the solution of radio resource allocation, a novel distributed power allocation is then performed to optimize the performance of cell-edge users under the condition that desirable performance for cell-center users must be maintained. The power optimization is formulated as an iterative barrier-constrained water-filling problem and solved by using the Lagrange method. Simulation results indicate that our proposed scheme can achieve significantly balanced performance improvement between cell-edge and cell-center users in multi-cell networks compared with other schemes, and therefore realize the goal of future wireless networks in terms of providing high performance to anyone from anywhere. © 2002-2012 IEEE.
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