Assessing Potential for Reduction in Carbon Emissions in a Multi-unit of Residential Development in Sydney

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Procedia Engineering, 2017, 180 pp. 591 - 600
Issue Date:
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© 2017 The Authors. There is an increase in the construction of multi-unit residential buildings around inner Sydney in the past few years. The energy consumption in Australia has increased by approximately 30% and associated carbon dioxide emissions. This research examines a large multi-unit residential case study located close to the Sydney's Central Business District (CBD). Current energy consumption for the common areas such as the basement, car parks, lobbies, etc. and water usage for gardens are estimated using the actual data on electricity and water usage. Potential for reduction in energy consumption and their equivalent carbon footprint values are examined. Three carbon emissions reduction strategies include: savings from electricity generation from roof solar PV installation; rainwater harvesting from the roof and minimising annual water loss by evaporation in swimming pools reducing energy demand for water supply. In addition, carbon benefits provided by the trees are calculated using an urban forest assessment tool. Recommendations suggest that installation of solar PV on the roof, using an appropriate swimming pool cover, rainwater harvesting and a better tree canopy cover collectively could improve the overall CO2footprint performance of the selected case study.
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