Characterization of nanoscale features in tapered fractal and photonic crystal fibers

Publication Type:
Journal Article
Optics Express, 2011, 19 (3), pp. 1860 - 1865
Issue Date:
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The internal structure of nanostructured air-silica fiber probes have been characterized using a combined focused ion beam and scanning electron microscopy technique. The collapse rate of the air-holes is shown to differ substantially between a regular photonic crystal fiber (PCF) and the quasi-periodic Fractal fiber. The integrity of the Fractal fiber structure is maintained down to an outer diameter as small as 120 nm, whereas the air-holes of the regular PCF begin to collapse when the outer diameter is approximately 820 nm. The observed smallest hole diameter of 10 nm is suggested to be due to physical limits imposed by the molecular structure of silica. These results confirm structural inferences made in previous publications. © 2011 Optical Society of America.
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