Induction theorem analysis of resonant nanoparticles: Design of a huygens source nanoparticle laser

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Journal Article
Physical Review Applied, 2014, 1 (4)
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© 2014 American Physical Society. We propose an advanced formulation of standard antenna theory for the basic investigation and design of resonant nanoparticles. This methodology is based on transforming the original scattering problem into a radiation configuration by invoking the induction theorem. Then applying basic antenna theory principles, such as the suppression of any reactive power, the properties of the resonances are engineered. This nanoantenna approach has been validated by revisiting a number of well-known multilayered core-shell structures. It provides additional important physical insights into how the core-shell structures operate and it enables combinations of different resonant phenomena associated with them, e.g., plasmonic and high-Ï resonances, in an intuitive manner. Its efficacy is demonstrated by designing a multilayered nanoparticle that achieves lasing with a maximum directivity in the forward direction and a null in the backward direction, i.e., a Huygens source nanoparticle laser.
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